The Wisdom For Us
If we are clever, don't be arrogant,
If we are stupid, be modest.
If we are charming, don't be arrogant,
If we are ugly, be modest.
If we are rich, don't be arrogant,
If we are poor, be modest.
If we are good person, don't be arrogant,
If we are bad person, be modest.
If we are popular, don't be arrogant,
If we are unknown/strangers, be modest.
If we are elite people, don't be arrogant,
If we are common people, be modest.
If we are gentlemen/noblemen/aristocrat, don't be arrogant,
If we are ordinary people/proletariat, be modest.
If we are white-collar workers, don't be arrogant,
If we are blue-collar workers, be modest.
If we are government employee, don't be arrogant,
If we are traders, be modest.
If we are fine person, don't be arrogant,
If we are rough person, be modest.
If we are strong, don't be arrogant,
If we are weak, be modest.
If we are the brave men, don't be arrogant,
If we are afraid men, be modest.
If we can fight in a modern way or through the paper, don't be arrogant,
If we cannot fight in a modern way or through the paper, be modest.
If we can fight by using martial arts or in a forrest way, don't be arrogant,
If we cannot fight by using martial arts or in a forrest way, be modest.
If we are useful, don't be arrogant,
If we are useless, be modest.
If we are the homo sapiens and homo faber, don't be arrogant,
If we are the homo ludens, be modest.
If we are intelligensias/philosophers/scientists/leaders/, don't be arrogant,
If we are artists/athletes, be modest.
If we are educated people/university graduates/postgraduates, don't be arrogant,
If we are uneducated people, be modest.
If we are man of thought/knowledge workers/lectures, don't be arrogant,
If we are man of action, be modest.
If we are the believers, don't be arrogant,
If we are the unbelievers, be modest.
If we are the writers/creators/owners of copyrighted works, don't be arrogant,
If we are not creators, be modest.
If we are entrepreneurs/businessmen/private employees, don't be arrogant,
If we are the unemployed, be modest.
If we are self-love, don't be arrogant,
If we are selfish, be modest.
If we are the charitable persons, don't be arrogant,
If we are stingy, be modest.
If we are virgin, don't be arrogant,
If we are not virgin, be modest.
If we are married, don't be arrogant,
If we are unmarried, be modest.
If we are healthy persons, don't be arrogant,
If we are ever mentally ill, be modest.
If we are the bloggers (have an e-book), don't be arrogant,
If we are not the bloggers (dont have an e-book), bo modest.
If we can read the Holy Quran, don't be arrogant,
If we cannot read the Holy Quran, be modest.
If we have read the translation of the Holy Quran, don't be arrogant,
If we have not read the translation of the Holy Quran, be modest.
If we have read the well known hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, don't be arrogant.
If we have not read the well known hadiths of the Prophet Muhammaad, be modest.
If we have met many well known people, don't be arrogant,
If we have not met many well known people, be modest.
If we have a lot of original ideas, don't be arrogant,
If we do not have a lot of original ideas, be modest.
If we are the colour literacy, don't be arrogant,
If we the colour blind, be modest.
If we are the technological literacy, don't be arrogant,
If we are the technological blind, be modest.
If we have been traveled around the world, don't be arrogant,
If we have never traveled around the world, be modest.
If we have heard the world songs, don't be arrogant,
If we have not heard the world songs, be modest.
If we play the music, don't be arrogant,
If we cannot play the music, be modest.
If we perpetuate the name by establishing hospitals, universities, airlines, libraries, mosques, book publishers etc, don't be arrogant,
If we do not perpetuate the by establishing hospitals, universities, airlines, libraries, mosques, book publishers etc, be modest.
If we have a home library, don't be arrogant,
If we do not have a home library, be modest.
If we had been eating and drinking the well known food, drinks and fruits, don't be arrogant.
If we had not been eating and drinking the well known food, drinks and fruits, be modest.
If we can play the well known sports (such as football, badminton, basket ball, swimming, etc), don't be arrogant,
If we cannot play the well known sports (such as football, badminton, basket ball, swimming, etc), be modest.
If we have read the world aforisms, the world poems, the world novels and play scripts, and the well known theories of the world scientists, don't be arrogant.
If we have not read the world aforisms, the world poems,the world novels, and play scripts, and the well know theories, of the world scientists, be modest.
If we have the clothes, the pens, the clocks, the shoes, the bags, the wallets, the handphones, the bookbanks, the currencies, the laptops, and the cars etc from the well know brand, don't be arrogant.
If we have not the clothes, the pens, the clocks, the shoes, the bags, the wallets, the handphones, the bookbanks, the currencies, the laptops, and the cars etc from the well known brand, be modest.
If we are The Godfathers, don't be arrogant,
If we are The Playboys/The Don Juans, be modest.
Drs. Tafiardi, M.Pd. (Drs. Tafiardi, M.Ed.)
Dosen Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan FIP Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Pegawai Pemerintah RI)/Penulis/Editor buku dan lagu (Editor internasional)/Blogger.
Cendekiawan (inteligensia), intelektual, filsuf, pendidik.
"Man of study", "Man of academia"/"University man".
(Knowledge worker, Peter F. Drucker).
Selasa, 20 Agustus 2019
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