422.Imajinasi, motivasi, otak.
B.J. Habibie.
423.Pengetahuan dan perasaan adalah sama pentingnya dalam kehidupan individual dan masyarakat. Dunia tanpa kesukaan dan kemesraan adalah dunia tanpa nilai.
Bertrand Russell.
424.Pelukis, pemahat, penyair, mungkin bekerja dalam kemelaratan dan kegelapan, tetapi seperti yang diakui Milton, "ketenaran adalah pelitanya". Tetapi menjadi guru sekolah adalah panggilan jiwa yang dapat mendatangkan keahlian, bahkan semacam kejeniusan, tetapi jarang sekali mendatangkan ketenaran, pujian dan kekayaan.
John Barth.
425.Publik, yang merupakan segala-galanya dan sekaligus ketiadaan, adalah kekuatan yang paling berbahaya dan yang paling berarti: orang bisa berpidato kepada seluruh bangsa atas nama publik, tetapi bagaimanapun publik adalah kurang artinya dibandingkan dengan seorang manusia tunggal, betapapun ia tak penting.
Soren Aabye Kierkegaard.
426.Adalah penting bagi seluruh dunia, bila negara-negara yang sedang berkembang menjadi lebih makmur.
Jan Tinbergen.
427.Diplomasi adalah seni membuat orang lain menerima jalan pikiran kita.
Daniele Vare.
428.Saya memimpikan keempat anak saya telah hidup dalam suatu bangsa dimana mereka tidak akan dinilai dari warna kulitnya, tapi dari wataknya.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
429.Ada tiga cara dalam mengikuti kemajuan itu; berjalan dimukanya, disampingnya dan dibelakangnya. Yang berjalan dimukanya, memimpin kemajuan itu; yang kedua berjalan bersama-sama dengan kemajuan; dan yang terakhir diseret oleh kemajuan itu.
Jose Rizal.
430.Developing a relationship that brings inner peace and joy.
Denis Waitley
431.The most potent human power is brainpower.
Denis Waitley.
432.Happiness is the journey, not the destination.
Denis Waitley.
433.Kesepian tidak terobati oleh seorang jiwa.
Puisi Swedia.
434.Rumah atau tempat kediaman ialah pusat dalam hal yang jauh. Sejak bumi tidak lagi menjadi pusat universum dan tidak ada negara yang bisa menganggap dirinya sebagai pusat dunia, tinggal hanya satu pusat dalam dunia luas yaitu rumah. Rumah ialah unsur yang memberi kemungkinan untuk dinamika dasar dari eksistensi manusia, yaitu pergi dan pulang. Pergi artinya masuk hal lain atau asing. Pulang artinya berada kembali dalam hal yang dialami sebagai milik kita sendiri. Milik itu ialah tempat-diam. Bertempat-diam bukan hal yang terjadi otomatis. Mempunyai rumah belum berarti ada pusat yang menarik waktu kita pulang. A house is not a home.
M.A.W. Brouwer.
435.Puisi adalah musik dari jiwa, terutama dari jiwa besar dan perasa.
436.The secret to financial success is a paradox-money is valuable only when it is saved or shared.
Denis Waitley.
437.Ketepatan adalah sopan santun seorang raja.
Louis XVIII.
438.Didiklah anak sesuai taraf umurnya. Pendidik yang berhasil karena menyelami jiwa anak didiknya.
A.A.A. Raden Cahayu Prabu
439.Yang penting nyanyiannya dan tidak penting siapa penyanyinya (The song, not the singer).
Subarjo Joyosumarto.
440.Asalmula kejatuhanku adalah eksistensi orang lain. Orang lain itu adalah kematian yang tersembunyi bagi kemungkinan-kemungkinanku. Adaku-untuk-orang-lain adalah kejatuhan menyusuri kehampaan untuk menjadi obyek.
Jean Paul Sartre.
441.Tidak ada satu bangsa yang layak memerintah bangsa lain kecuali bangsa itu sendiri.
442.Kalau kau tidak salah, lawan! lawan terus!
Yap Thiam Hien.
443.Dalam setiap keindahan, selalu ada mata yang memandang. Dalam setiap kebenaran, selalu ada telinga yang mendengar. Dalam setiap kasih, selalu ada hati yang menerima.
Ivan Panin.
444.Kita hidup untuk saat ini, kita bermimpi untuk masa depan, dan kita belajar untuk kebenaran abadi.
Soong May-ling.
445.Jika ingin mengambil, anda harus memberi lebih dulu. Inilah awal mula kecerdasan.
Lao Tzu.
446.Kekuatan sebuah bangsa bergantung pada integritas rumah tangganya.
447.Karya besar tidak dikerjakan oleh dorongan, tapi oleh rangkaian hal-hal kecil yang dibawa bersama-sama.
Vincent van Gogh.
448.Bila dua jiwa saling tulus mencintai, kebahagiaan tiada akan berakhir.
Ernest Hemingway.
449.Bergaullah dengan orang-orang yang baik karakternya apabila anda memang menghargai reputasi anda, karena lebih baik sendirian daripada berada dalam pergaulan yang buruk.
George Washington.
450.Jika anda terlahir dalam kemiskinan, itu bukanlah kesalahan anda. Tapi jika anda mati dalam kemiskinan, itu adalah kesalahan anda.
Bill Gates.
451.Kepemimpinan bagi saya berarti tugas, kehormatan dan negara. Itu berarti karakter dan itu berarti mendengarkan dari waktu ke waktu.
George W. Bush.
452.Seorang pria sudah setengah jatuh cinta kepada wanita yang mau mendengarkan omongannya dengan penuh perhatian.
Brenden Francis.
453.Seorang penyair besar adalah permata paling berharga suatu bangsa.
Ludwig van Beethoven.
454.Lapar tak berarti kenyang buat si miskin. Si lapar yang kurus kering tak akan bisa kita kenyangkan dengan kata kenyang saja, walaupun kita ulangi 1001 kali.
Tan Malaka.
455.Manusia dibentuk dari keyakinannya. Apa yang ia yakini, itulah dia.
Bhagavad Gita.
456.Seseorang mungkin mati, negara mungkin bangkit dan jatuh, tetapi sebuah ide terus hidup.
John F. Kennedy.
457.Aku tinggalkan kekayaan alam Indonesia, biar semua negara besar dunia iri dengan Indonesia, dan aku tinggalkan hingga bangsa Indonesia sendiri yang mengolahnya.
458.Kasih itu menghangatkan seperti sinar matahari setelah hujan.
William Shakespeare.
459.Jangan mengharapkan bangsa lain respek terhadap bangsa ini, bila kita sendiri gemar memperdaya sesama saudara sebangsa, merusak dan mencuri kekayaan ibu pertiwi.
Mohammad Hatta.
460.Siapa yang hidup dalam dunia pikiran, dapat melepaskan dirinya daripada gangguan hidup sehari-hari.
Mohammad Hatta.
461.Diktator yang bergantung pada kewibawaan orang seorang tak lama umurnya. Sebab itu pula, sistem yang dilahirkan Soekarno tidak akan lebih panjang umurnya dari Soekarno sendiri. Umur manusia terbatas. Apabila Soekarno sudah tidak ada lagi, maka sistemnya akan roboh seperti rumah kartu.
Mohammad Hatta.
462.Hanya ada satu negara yang pantas menjadi negaraku. Ia tumbuh dengan perbuatan dan perbuatan itu adalah perbuatanku.
Mohammad Hatta.
463.Aku rela di penjara asalkan bersama buku, karena dengan buku aku bebas.
Mohammad Hatta.
464.Hidup yang tak diperjuangkan tak dapat dimenangkan.
Sutan Sjahrir.
465.Sekurang-kurangnya masyarakat kamu sudah mengeluarkan orang yang lebih dari seorang Darwin, Newton, Marx dan Lenin, barulah kamu boleh bangga.
Tan Malaka.
466.Demokrasi hanya berjalan kalau disertai rasa tanggungjawab. Tidak ada demokrasi tanpa tanggungjawab. Dan, demokrasi yang melewati batasnya dan meluap menjadi anarki akan menemui ajalnya dan digantikan sementara waktu oleh diktator.
Mohammad Hatta.
467.Demokrasi bisa ditindas sementara karena kesalahannya sendiri, tetapi setelah ia mengalami cobaan yang pahit, ia akan muncul kembali dengan penuh keinsafan.
Mohammad Hatta.
468.Dan hanya semangat kebangsaan, yang dipikul oleh perasaan keadilan dan kemanusiaan yang dapat mengantar kita maju dalam sejarah dunia.
Sutan Sjahrir.
469.Kemerdekaan nasional adalah bukan pencapaian akhir, tapi rakyat bebas berkarya adalah pencapaian puncaknya.
Sutan Sjahrir.
470.Berpikir besar, kemudian bertindak.
Tan Malaka.
471.Suatu perkawinan, Hiang, sering dihambat oleh latar belakang kebudayaan dari tiap-tiap pribadi.
Harijadi S. Hartowardojo.
472.Suatu perkawinan bisa saja dicegah dengan dalih agama, meskipun mungkin lain yang disembunyikan dibalik dalih itu. Perbedaan keturunan kita, misalnya. Perbedaan ini lebih bersifat menentukan daripada perbedaan agama.
Harijadi S. Hartowardojo.
473.Guru sebagai benteng terakhir nilai ideal,Tuntutan: Bekerja tertib.
Deliar Noer.
474.Matematika, jika dilihat dengan benar, bukan saja mengandung kebenaran namun juga keindahan yang utama; suatu keindahan yang dingin dan sederhana, seperti keindahan seni pahat, tanpa memancing reaksi dari hakekat manusia yang lemah, tanpa jeratan yang memukau seperti lukisan atau musik namun demikian murni, dan mampu memperlihatkan kesempurnaan yang tinggi, seperti juga karya-karya seni yang agung.
Bertrand Russell.
475.When you're obsessing about one thing, you can reach insights about how to solve hard problems. If you have too many things to think about, you'll get to the superficial solution, not the brilliant one (Ketika anda terobsesi tentang satu hal, anda dapat mencapai pemahaman/pengertian yang dalam tentang bagaimana memecahkan masalah yang sulit. Jika anda memiliki terlalu banyak hal yang harus dipikirkan, anda akan mendapatkan solusi dangkal, bukan yang brilian).
Evan Williams.
476.Harapan adalah sarapan yang baik, tetapi merupakan makan malam yang buruk.
Francis Bacon.
477."Sebagian buku ditulis untuk dicicipi, yang lainnya untuk ditelan, dan sebagian kecil untuk dikunyah dan dicerna; maknanya, sebagian buku ditulis untuk dibaca segelintir saja, yang lainnya untuk dibaca, tetapi tidak dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu; dan sebagian kecil untuk dibaca seluruhnya, dengan ketekunan dan penuh perhatian."
Francis Bacon.
478.Diplomat ialah orang yang selalu ingat pada ulang tahun seorang wanita tetapi tidak pernah ingat berapa umur wanita itu.
Robert Frost.
479.Setelah makan, pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan utama rakyat.
Georges Jacques Danton.
480.Pendidikan mengembangkan kemampuan, tetapi tidak menciptakannya.
481.Jika seseorang belum menemukan sesuatu untuk diperjuangkan hingga akhir hayatnya, maka kehidupannya tidak berharga.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
482.Saya menginginkan informasi yang minim dengan kebijaksanaan yang maksimum.
Jacqueline Kennedy.
483.Saya ingin menjalani hidupku, tapi tidak merekamnya.
Jacqueline Kennedy.
484.Seks adalah sesuatu yang buruk, karena membuat baju kusut.
Jacqueline Kennedy.
Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014
Jumat, 13 Juni 2014
The World Songs Of Tafiardi Version
Lady Jane (The Rolling Stones)
She's Like A Rainbow (The Rolling Stones)
Angie (The Rolling Stones)
Backstreet Girl (The Rolling Stones)
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones)
Honky Tonk Women (The Rolling Stones)
Let's Spend The Night Together (The Rolling Stones)
Out Of Time (The Rolling Stones)
You Can't Always Get What You Want (The Rolling Stones)
Brown Sugar (The Rolling Stones)
Child Of The Moon (The Rolling Stones)
Ride On, Baby (The Rolling Stones)
As Tears Go By (The Rolling Stones)
Memory Motel (The Rolling Stones)
Dead Flowers (The Rolling Stones)
Time Is On My Side (The Rolling Stones)
I Got The Blues (The Rolling Stones)
Sitting On A Fence (The Rolling Stones)
Get Off Of My Cloud (The Rolling Stones)
Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
Jumping Jack Flash (The Rolling Stones)
Let It Bleed (The Rolling Stones)
Play With Fire (The Rolling Stones)
Indian Girl (The Rolling Stones)
Simpathy For The Devil (The Rolling Stones)
Sweet Virginia (The Rolling Stones)
Route 66 (The Rolling Stones)
Bye Bye Johnny (The Rolling Stones/Chuck Berry)
Flight 505 (The Rolling Stones)
Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (The Rolling Stones)
Party Doll (Mick Jagger)
I've Been Lonely For So Long (Mick Jagger)
That's How Strong My Love Is (The Rolling Stones)
Pain The My Heart (The Rolling Stones)
If You Need Me (The Rolling Stones)
Good Times Bad Times (The Rolling Stones)
The Singer Not The Song (The Rolling Stones)
Some Girls (The Rolling Stones)
Down Home Girl (The Rolling Stones)
Sing This All Together (The Rolling Stones)
2000 Man (The Rolling Stones)
Start Me Up (The Rolling Stones)
Plundered My Soul (The Rolling Stones)
Jigsaw Puzzle (The Rolling Stones)
Sway (The Rolling Stones)
No Expectations (The Rolling Stones)
Happy (The Rolling Stones)
Fancy Man Blues (The Rolling Stones)
It Hurts Me Too (The Rolling Stones)
Happy (The Rolling Stones)
Come On (The Rolling Stones)
I Was A Country Boy (The Rolling Stones)
Mother's Little Helper (The Rolling Stones)
No Spare Parts (The Rolling Stones)
Till The Night Goodbye (The Rolling Stones)
She's So Cold (The Rolling Stones)
Stray Cat Blues (The Rolling Stones)
Hey Jude (The Beatles)
Penny Lane (The Beatles)
The Long And Winding Road (The Beatles)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles)
Mother Nature's Son (The Beatles)
Get Back (The Beatles)
Let It Be (The Beatles)
Hello Goodbye (The Beatles)
Love Me Do (The Beatles)
Two Of Us (The Beatles)
A Little Help From My Friend (The Beatles)
Yesterday (The Beatles)
The Ballad Of John And Yoko (The Beatles)
Roll Over Beethoven (The Beatles/Chuck Berry)
Sweet Little Sixteen (The Beatles/Chuck Berry)
Rock And Roll Music (The Beatles/Chuck Berry)
Hippy Hippy Shake (The Beatles/Chan Romero))
Falling In Love Again (The Beatles/Frederick Hollander & Sammy Lerner)
My Bonnie (The Beatles with Tony Sheridan/The Beats Pete Best)
To Know Her Is To Love Her (The Beatles/Phil Spector)
Ain't She Sweet (The Beatles)
Be Bop A Lula (The Beatles/Stray Cats/Gene Vincent & Bill Davis)
I've Just Seen A Face (The Beatles/Paul McCartney-Live In The Red Square, Moscow, Russia/Paul McCartney-Wings)
Strawberry Fields Forever (The Beatles)
Old Brown Shoe (The Beatles)
Mr. Moonlight (The Beatles)
I Saw Her Standing There (The Beatles)
Rocky Raccoon (The Beatles)
I Want To Hold Your Hand (The Beatles)
Oh Darling (The Beatles)
Obladi Oblada (The Beatles)
Hold Me Tight (The Beatles)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamond (The Beatles)
Here, There, And Everywhere (The Beatles)
When I'm Sixty Four (The Beatles)
Norwegian Wood (The Beatles)
Here Come The Sun (The Beatles)
Michelle (The Beatles)
Revolution 1 (The White Album) (The Beatles)
For No One (The Beatles)
Now And Then (The Beatles)
Inner Light (The Beatles)
Magical Mystery Tour (The Beatles)
I'm Down (The Beatles)
Thank You Girl (The Beatles)
Honey Don't (The Beatles)
Let's Dance (The Beatles)
Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
Rain (The Beatles)
Crying, Waiting, Hoping (The Beatles/Buddy Holly)
Anna (Go To Him) (The Beatles)
Reminiscing (The Beatles)
Boys (The Beatles)
Lend Me Your Comb (The Beatles)
Little Child (The Beatles)
Maybe Baby (The Beatles)
Sour Milk Sea (The Beatles)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles)
In My Life (The Beatles)
Birthday (The Beatles)
The Night Before (The Beatles)
The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (The Beatles)
Back In The USSR (The Beatles)
Your Mother Should Know (The Beatles)
Cry For A Shadow (The Beatles)
World Without Love (The Beatles)
Isn't It A Pity (The Beatles)
Mama You've Been On My Mind (The Beatles)
I Lost My Little Girl (The Beatles)
A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues (The Beatles)
One After 909 (The Beatles)
Till There Was You (The Beatles)
A Taste Of Honey (The Beatles)
I'm Looking Through You (The Beatles)
Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (The Beatles)
I'll Follow The Sun (The Beatles)
I Should Have Known Better (The Beatles)
Hello Little Girl (The Beatles)
Don't Bother Me (The Beatles)
I Need You (The Beatles)
Sure To Fall (The Beatles)
Blue Blue Sky (The Beatles)
Love (John Lennon)
Mother (John Lennon)
Oh Yoko (John Lennon)
Oh My Love (John Lennon)
Real Love (John Lennon)
God (John Lennon)
The Luck Of The Irish (John Lennon)
Nobody Told Me (John Lennon)
(Just Like) Starting Over (John Lennon)
Slippin And Slidin (John Lennon)
Deep Blue (George Harrison)
If Not For You (George Harrison)
True Love (George Harrison)
Beautiful Girl (George Harrison)
Let It Roll (George Harrison)
Any Road (George Harrison)
Photograph (Ringo Star)
Never Without You (Ringo Star)
What'd I Say (The Beatles And Tony Sheridan)
Marley Purt Drive (Bee Gees/July Paul)
To Love Somebody (Bee Gees)
Railroad (Bee Gees)
Cherry Red (Bee Gees)
Give Your Best (Bee Gees)
Don't Forget To Remember Me (Bee Gees)
Rest Your Love On Me (Bee Gees)
I Started A Joke (Bee Gees)
Spicks And Specks (Bee Gees)
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (Bee Gees)
I.O.I.O (Bee Gees)
Lonely Days (Bee Gees)
Melody Fair (Bee Gees)
Tomorrow Tomorrow (Bee Gees)
Wedding Day (Bee Gees)
Smile For Me (Bee Gees)
I've Gotta Get A Message To You (Bee Gees)
Shinking Ships (Bee Gees)
In My Own Time (Bee Gees)
An Everlasting Love (Bee Gees)
Blue Island (Bee Gees)
It Doesn't Matter Much To Me (Bee Gees)
Give A Hand, Take A Hand (Bee Gees)
Another Lonely Night In New York (Robin Gibb)
Juliet (Robin Gibb)
Hold Her In Your Hand (Maurice Gibb)
Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
Tangerine (Led Zeppelin)
Boogie With STU (Led Zeppelin)
Houses Of The Holy (Led Zeppelin)
Hot Dog (Led Zeppelin)
Bron Y Aur Stomp (Led Zeppelin)
Thank You (Led Zeppelin)
Communication Breakdown (Led Zeppelin)
Misty Mountain Hop (Led Zeppelin)
Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
Your Time Is Gonna Come (Led Zeppelin)
Good Times Bad Times (Led Zeppelin)
Rock And Roll (Led Zeppelin)
Since I've Been Loving You (Led Zeppelin)
The Song Remains The Same (Led Zeppelin)
Hey Joe (Led Zeppelin)
Moby Dick (Led Zeppelin)
Blueberry Hill (Led Zeppelin)
When The World Was Young (Jimmy Page and Robert Plant)
School Days (Led Zeppelin/Chuck Berry)
Hey Hey What Can I Do (Led Zeppelin/Rare Intrumental/With Lyrics)
Dyer Maker (Led Zeppelin)
The Rover (Led Zeppelin)
Somebody To Love (Queen)
Love Of My Life (Queen)
Play The Game (Queen)
Who Need You (Queen)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
My Melancholy Blues (Queen)
Mustapha (Queen)
Too Much Love Will Kill You (Queen)
I Want To Break Free (Queen)
Still Loving You (Scorpions)
Wind Of Change (Scorpions)
Always Somewhere (Scorpions)
Rhythm Of Love (Scorpions)
You And I (Scorpions)
I'll Be There (Jackson Five)
We Are The World (Michael Jackson)
Our Lady (Deep Purple)
Woman From Tokyo (Deep Purple)
Highway Star (Deep Purple)
Soldier Of Fortune (Deep Purple)
Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
Fireball (Deep Purple)
Mary Long (Deep Purple)
Wasted Sunsets (Deep Purple)
Cotton Fields (CCR/The Beach Boys/The Dutch Lady Rain/Picksiebner/Wildwood Roses/Jon Fisher/John Fogerty)
Hey, Tonight (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Travellin' Band (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Molina (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Proud Mary (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Jambalaya (On the bayou) (Creedance Clearwater Revival/Hank Williams/Los Leones Rock)
Who'll Stop The Rain (CCR)
It Came Out Of The Sky (CCR)
Don't Look Now (CCR)
Bad Moon Rising (CCR)
Rockin All Over The World (Status Quo)
Good Golly Miss Molly (Status Quo)
Rock And Roll And You (Status Quo)
Old Time Rock And Roll (Status Quo/Bob Seger)
Let's Rock (Status Quo)
Rollin' Home (Status Quo)
Nothing Comes Easy (Status Quo)
Accident Prone (Status Quo)
Dear John (Status Quo)
Blue Eyed Lady (Status Quo)
Caroline (Status Quo)
Love Hurt (Nazareth)
Holyday (Nazareth)
After Tonight (REO Speedwagon)
Music Man (REO Speedwagon)
Sultans Of Swing (Dire Straits)
Walk Of Life (Dire Straits)
I'm Gonna Loose You (The Classic)
November Rain (Guns N' Roses)
Paradise City (Guns N' Roses)
Rain And Tears (Aphrodite's Child)
Velvet Mornings (Demis Roussos)
Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Tuesday's Gone (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Yellow River (Christie)
Hotel California (The Eagles)
Every Breath You Take (The Police)
Reggatta de Blanc (The Police)
Spirits in The Material World (The Police)
So Lonely (The Police)
Dust In The Wind (Kansas)
Sugar Sugar Candy Girl (The Archies)
Justine (The Archies)
Don't Run From Love (The Archies)
Suddenly Susan (The Archies)
Mother How Are You Today (Maywood)
Mississipi (Baby Astheria, Dinda &Adis)
Too Young To Be Married (The Hollies)
Mamma Mia (ABBA)
Rock 'N Roll Band (ABBA)
People Need Love (ABBA)
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (ABBA)
Andante, andante (ABBA)
Hasta Manana (ABBA)
This Is How Love Begins (ABBA Agnetha & Bjorn)
Waterloo (ABBA)
The Winner Takes It All (ABBA/Gabriella Quevedo)
Happy New Year (ABBA/Gabriella Quevedo)
Radar Love (Golden Earring)
Buddy Joe (Golden Earring)
When The Lady Smiles (Golden Earring)
Hold Me Know (Golden Earring)
Pouring My Heart Out Again (Golden Earring)
Vanilla Queen (Golden Earring)
My Generation (The Who)
Pictures Of Lily (The Who)
My Wife (The Who)
These Eyes (The Guess Who)
American Woman (The Guess Who)
Lady In Black (Uriah Heep)
Come Away Melinda (Uriah Heep)
Every Little Thing (Country Sisters)
Cotton Eyed Joe (Country Sisters)
Let's Have A Party (Country Sisters)
Achy Breaky Heart (Country Sisters/Blue Still)
Thank God I'm A Country Girl (Country Sisters)
Louisiana Saturday Night (Country Sisters)
Mamy Blue (James Last)
Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd)
Julia Dream (Pink Floyd)
Fat Old Sun (Pink Floyd)
Remember A Day (Pink Floyd)
I Am Gonna Lose You (The Classics)
My Russian Lady (The Classics)
My Lady Of Spain (The Classics)
Baby What A Big Surprise (Chicago)
Song For You (Chicago)
Feelin' Stronger Every Day (Chicago)
You're The Inspiration (Chicago)
Solitude (Black Sabbath)
HiDeHo (Blood, Sweat & Tears)
Mama Said (Metallica)
Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
London Calling (The Clash)
I Want That Girl (The KLF/Bill Drummond)
I'm The King Of Joy (The KLF/Bill Drummond)
I Believe In Rock N Roll (The KLF/Bill Drummond)
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You (Bryan Adams)
The Sound Of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)
San Fransisco Nights (Eric Burdon & The Animals)
House Of The Rising Sun (Eric Burdon & The Animals)
Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (The Animals)
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (The Animals)
Smooth (Santana/Rob Thomas)
The Game Of Love (Santana/Michelle Branch)
Everybody's Everything (Santana)
Corazon Espinado (Santana)
Jungle Strut (Santana)
Come Home (Clover Leaf)
Girl Where Are You Going To (Clover Leaf)
What Kind Of Man (Clover Leaf)
Love Street (The Doors)
Roadhouse Blues (The Doors)
A Picture Of You (Joe Brown And The Bruvvers)
Groovy Kind Of Love (Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders)
Take Me To Your Heart (Michael Learns To Rock)
Viva Forever (Spice Girls)
Follow You Follow Me (Genesis)
There's A Kind Of Hush (Herman's Hermits)
One Way Wind (The Cats)
Country Woman (The Cats)
Let's Dance (The Cats)
Maribaja (The Cats)
Kick Out The Jams (MC5)
Those Were The Days (Mary Hopkin)
North Country Blues (Joan Baez)
Donna Donna (Joan Baez)
Diamond And Rust (Joan Baez)
Father And Son (Cat Stevens)
Very Young (Cat Stevens)
Morning Has Broken (Cat Stevens)
Wild World (Cat Stevens)
The First Cut Is The Deepest (Cat Stevens)
My Lady D'Arbanville (Cat Stevens)
Here Comes My Baby (Cat Stevens)
Pretty Woman (Elvis Presley)
Always On My Mind (Elvis Presley)
Blue Suede Shoes (Elvis Presley)
Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley)
Promised Land (Elvis Presley)
All Shook Up (Elvis Presley)
Kiss Me Quick (Elvis Presley)
Burning Love (Elvis Presley)
Money Honey (Elvis Presley)
No More (Elvis Presley)
Polk Salad Annie (Elvis Presley)
Silent Night (Elvis Presley)
Let's Have A Party (Elvis Presley)
One Sided Love Affair (Elvis Presley)
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (Elvis Presley)
Little Darling (Elvis Presley)
When My Blue Moon Turns Gold Again (Elvis Presley)
Green Green Grass Of Home (Elvis Presley)
Welcome To My World (Elvis Presley)
Moody Blue (Elvis Presley)
Old Man (Neil Young)
My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue) (Neil Young)
Cowgirl In The Sand (Neil Young)
Ohio (Neil Young)
After The Goldrush (Neil Young)
Helpless (Neil Young)
Four Strong Winds (Canadian Classic) ((Neil Young)
Long May You Run (Neil Young)
Blowin' In The Wind (Bob Dylan)
Like A Rolling Stones (Bob Dylan)
Subterranean Homesick Blues (Bob Dylan)
Girl From The North Country (Bob Dylan)
Corrina, Corrina (Bob Dylan)
Bob Dylan's Dream (Bob Dylan)
Oxford Town (Bob Dylan)
A Hard Rains A Gonna Fall (Bob Dylan)
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Bob Dylan)
Bob Dylan's Blues (Bob Dylan)
Lonesome Whistle Blues (Bob Dylan)
Roll On, John (Bob Dylan)
Forever Young (Bob Dylan)
Don't Think Twice It's All Right (Bob Dylan)
San Fransisco (Be sure to wear flowers in your hair) (Scott McKenzie)
I Don't Want To Talk About It (Rod Stewart)
Maggie May (Rod Stewart)
Have You Ever Seen The Rain (Rod Stewart)
Baby Jane (Rod Stewart)
Reason To Believe (Rod Stewart)
Sailing (Rod Stewart)
Stay With Me (Rod Stewart)
September In The Rain (Rod Steward)
You Can Make Me Dance, Sing Or Anything (Rod Steward & The Faces)
Hot Legs (Rod Stewart)
Can't Help Falling In Love (Julio Iglesias)
Guantanamera (Julio Iglesias)
I'm Talking About You (Chuck Berry)
Let It Rock (Chuck Berry)
Reelin' And Rockin' (Chuck Berry)
Back In The USA (Chuck Berry)
Nadine (Chuck Berry)
Mama (Heintje)
Leave A Light On For Me (Bjorn Wikoren & Arnhild Wikoren/Adam Wright)
Song For The Children (Oscar Harris)
Try A Little Love (Oscar Harris And The Twinkle Stars)
Anyone Can Fall In Love (Anita Dobson)
Love Is Blue (Tracy Huang/Le Grand Orchestre de Paul Mauriat/Brian Blackburn & Pierre Cour/Andre Popp)
Hello Darling (Tracy Huang)
I Only Want To Be With You (Tracy Huang)
The First Time Ever I saw Your Face (Nana Mouskouri)
Love Story (Nana Maouskouri)
Plaisir d'Amour (Nana Mouskouri)
Nickel Song (Melanie/Nana Mouskouri)
Soleil Soleil (Nana Mouskouri/Le Grand Orchestre de Paul Mauriat)
Danny Boy (Nana Mouskouri)
A Place In My Heart (Nana Mouskouri)
Lost Inside The Blues (Leon Russell)
Goodnight Irene (Leon Russell/Nashville Jam)
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Madonna/Tim Rice/Anrew Lloyd Webber)
You Are (Dolly Parton)
Jolene (Dolly Parton)
I Love You (Sophie)
Take Me Home, Country Roads (John Denver)
Leaving On A Jet Plane (John Denver)
Annie's Song (John Denver)
Thank God I'm A Country Boy (John Denver)
My Sweet Lady (John Denver)
Let It Be Me (Lobo/Roland Kent LaVoie)
Dream Lover (Lobo)
Rock And Roll Days (Lobo/Roland Kent LaVoie)
The Carribean Disco Show (Lobo)
Heroes (David Bowie)
The Man Who Sold The World (David Bowie)
Young Americans (David Bowie)
China Girl (David Bowie)
Sealed With A Kiss (Jason Donovan)
Rhythm Of The Rain (Jason Donovan/The Cascades)
Lucky Lips (Cliff Richard)
Evergreen Tree (Cliff Richard/Aaron Schroeder/Wally Good)
Visions (Cliff Richard)
Constantly (Cliff Richard)
Learning How To Rock And Roll (Cliff Richard)
Let Her In (John Travolta)
Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison)
Woodstock (Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young/Joni Mitchell)
4+20 (Crosby, Still, Nash, And Young)
Country Girl (Crosby, Still, Nash, And Young)
Teach Your Children (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Song For Susan (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young)
Johnny's Garden (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Change Partners (Crosby, Still, Nash and Young)
Music Is Love (CSNY)
Maybe (Thom Pace)
Sheila (Tommy Roe)
Beautiful Sunday (Daniel Boone/Honstar)
Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep (Lally Stott)
Oh Donna (Ritchie Valens)
To See My Angel Cry (Conway Twitty)
Tell Laura I Love Her (Johnny Tillotson)
Judy Judy Judy (Johnny Tillotson/Peter Chan)
I Can't Stop Loving You (Don Gibson)
Take My Hand For A While (Don Gibson)
Almost Persuaded (David Houston)
Killing Me Softly (Frank Sinatra)
Hello Mary Lou (Ricky Nelson)
Between The Bars (Elliott Smith)
La Bamba (Los Bobos & Gipsy Kings)
La Bamba Di Piro (Los Lobos & Gipsy Kings)
Love Story (Andy Williams)
Pour Un Flirt (Michel Delpech/Miossec & Jane Birkin)
God Save The Queen (Sex Pistols)
Welscher Tanz (Flos Florum)
Divertissement I (Jean Baptiste Lully)
Copacabana (Barry Manilow)
Valentine (Kina Grannis)
You Are My Sunshine (Jasmine Thompson)
My Valentine (Martina McBride & Jim Brickman)
Finlandia (J. Sibelius)
Here Come The Bridge-Wedding March (Richard Wagner)
I like Chopin (Gazebo)
Etude Theme (F. Chopin)
Dance Of The Cygnets (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Auld Lang Syne (Scotch Folk Song)
Island Daydream (Haitian Folk Song)
Little Fairy Waltz (Ludovic Streabbog)
Arietta (W.A. Mozart)
Sonatina Romance (Ludwig Van Bethoven)
Musette (J.S. Bach)
Soldiers' March (Robert Schuman)
Hungarian Dance No. 5 (Johannes Brahms)
Cradle Song (Johannes Brahms)
Menuette G dur BWV.Anh.114 (J.S. Bach)
Last Rose Of Summer (Laura Wright/Thomas Moore)
Minuet From Don Juan (W.A. Mozart)
Turkish March (L. Van Beethoven)
Waltz Of The Flowers (Tchaikovsky)
Piano Concerto (Robert Schumann)
Fur Elise (L.V. Beethoven)
Moonlight Sonata (L.V. Beethoven/Dr. Viossy/Tina S)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Aida-Marcia Trionvale (Triumphal March) (Giuseppe Verdi)
The Best Of Times (Tina S/Dream Theater)
The Loner (Tina S/Gary Moore)
Vivaldi Tribute (Tina S/Patrick Rondat))
Boulevard (Dan Byrd)
The Godfather (Love Theme) (Nino Rota)
The Second Waltz (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Romeo And Juliet (Nino Rota)
Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
Brandenburg Concerto (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Unaccompanied Cello Suites (J.S. Bach)
Oh Ma Jolie Sarah (Johnny Hallyday)
Hey Lovely Lady (Johnny Hallyday)
Le Bon Temps Du Rock N Roll (Johnny Hallyday)
I've Been Away Too Long (George Baker)
Banjo Boogie (Arthur Smith)
Guitar Boogie (Arthur Smith)
Hello Dolly (Count Basie & Frank Sinatra)
Double Banjo Blues (Reno & Smiley)
Boogie Woogie (Marie Osmond)
RainingTears (Marie Osmond)
Baby Won't You Let Me Rock N Roll You (Ten Years After)
Rock And Roll Music To The World (Ten Years After)
I'd Love To Change The World (Ten Years After)
Love Like A Man (Ten Years After)
I'm Going Home (Hank Williams)
Baby Blue (Badfinger)
Sing Me Back Home (Merle Haggard)
Working Man Blues (Merle Haggard)
Canon Rock (Laura)
Canon Rock Final (Mattrach)
Denpasar Moon (Maribeth)
Ooh La La (The Faces)
Sweet Lady Mary (The Faces)
Open To Ideas (The Faces)
Sweet Little Rock'n Roller (The Faces)
Venus (Shocking Blue)
Never Marry A Railroad Man (Shocking Blue)
California Here I Come (Shocking Blue)
Mighty Joe (Shocking Blue)
I'm Sorry My Love (Victor Wood)
Sweet Caroline (Victor Wood)
Knock Three Times (Tony Orlando & Dawn)
Livin' La Vida Loca (Ricky Martin)
Isla Bella (Ricky Martin)
Woman In Love (Liz McClarnon/Barbra Streisand)
Don't Sleep Away This Night (Daniel Sahuleka)
You Make My World So Colourful (Daniel Sahuleka)
Mountain Music (Alabama)
Foggy Mountain Breakdown (Earl Scruggs and Friends)
The Ballad Of Jed Clampett (Earl Scruggs)
Lonesome Road Blues (Earl Scruggs)
One Way Ticket (Boney M)
I Love The Flower Girl (The Rain, The Park And Other Things) (The Cowsills)
Daisy Jane (America)
Eloise (Barry Ryan)
The Star Spangled Banner (Lagu Kebangsaan AS)
Lupang Hinirang (Lagu Kebangsaan Filipina)
Das Deutschlandlied (Lagu Kebangsaan Jerman)
Majulah Singapura (Lagu Kebangsaan Singapura)
My Favorite Things (Joey Alexander)
Deep Elem Blues (Grateful Dead)
The Weight (The Band)
Ophelia (The Band)
Black Superman (Muhammad Ali) (Johnny Wakelin & The Kinshasa Band)
Stand By Me (Muhammad Ali)
The Gang's All Here (Muhammad Ali)
Baby Baby Balla Balla (Chubby Checker And The Masks)
Old Time Rock n Roll (Bob Seger)
Marlboro Country (Henri Mancini)
My Heart Will Go On (Titanic Theme Song) (Celion Dion)
Song Song Blue (Neil Diamond)
Redemption Song (Ashley Lilinoe)
Song Of Joy (Miguel Rios)
If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot)
Let your love flow (Bellamy Brothers)
It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
Always (Bon Jovi)
Baby Blue (George Baker)
It Never Rains In Southern California (Albert Hammond)
When I'm Gone (Albert Hammond)
El Condor Pasa (Paul Simon & Garfunkel)
Tell Mama (Savoy Brown)
Corinna Corinna (Ray Peterson)
Don't Let Me Be Lonely (The Band Perry)
Hip To My Heart (The Band Perry)
You Never Can Tell (Emmylou Harris/Aaron Neville/The Pelicans/Chuck Berry)
La Mafia Del Rock And Rock (Emmylou Harris)
We Are A People Of Power (Rosanna Palmer)
The Safety Dance (Men Without Hats)
The Story Of A Social Enemy (The Walkers)
Sweet Rosalie (The Walkers)
Someone Like You (Eric Clapton)
Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton)
Baby Blue (The George Baker Selection)
Una Paloma Blanca (The George Baker Selection)
I've Away Too Long (George Baker)
Red River Rock (Johnny And The Hurricanes)
Rock N' Roll Is King (Teencats/Electric Light Orchestra)
What A Wonderful World (Ramones)
Henri's Boogie (Henri John Pierre Herbert)
Sunshine Reggae (Laid Back)
Live Is Life (Opus)
Keep Your Mind (Opus)
Africa (Toto)
Blue River (Eric Andersen/Ricky King)
La Paloma (Nana Mouskouri/Julio Iglesias/Ricky King)
California Blue (Roy Orbison/Ricky King)
Drums Boogie (Martin Pyrker & Sabine Pyrker)
Boogie Woogie Stomp (Ladyva)
8 To The Bar (Ladyva)
Boogie Woogie Be With Me (Ladyva)
The Best Boogie Woogie Ever (Darren Green)
Oh Boy! (N.N.)
Lenny (Stevie Ray Vaughan)
Real Gone Rocker (Johnny and The Jailbirds)
High School Sweethearts (Black Knights)
Apache (The Ventures)
You Can Count On Me (Sammy Davis, Jr/Morton Stevens)
Hawaii Five-O (From You Can Count On Me, original theme song from Hawaii Five-O) (The Ventures/Morton Stevens)
Mission Impossible (Lalo Schifrin)
To Trap A Spy (Arrangement Of Man From UNCLE theme) (Jerry Goldsmith)
Kojak Theme Song (The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra and Mike Towned)
My Country/Mein Land (The BossHoss)
Nights In White Satin (The Moody Blues)
Treetop Flyer (Stephen Stills)
Blues Man (Stephen Stills)
The Great Song Of Indefferent (Bob Geldof)
This Is The World Calling (Bob Geldof)
I Don't Like Monday (Bob Geldof)
To Live In Love (Bob Geldof)
She's A Lover (Bob Geldof)
The Beat Of The Night (Bob Geldof)
Love Or Something (Bob Geldof)
Rock And Roll All Night (Kiss)
Reflection Of My Life (The Marmalade)
Baby Make It Soon (The Marmalade)
Sarah (The Marmalade)
Radancer (The Marmalade)
Green Eyed Lady (Sugarloaf)
Poor Boy (The Lords)
Make Me Happy (Carly and Martina)
Say Something (Carly and Martina)
The House That Build Me (Carly and Martina)
Get Together (The Youngbloods)
Can't Take My Eyes Of You (Frankie Valli/Jova Musique Performance)
Edelweiss-The Sound Of Music (Christopher Plummer)
Keep On Dancing (The Gentrys)
La Banda Della Musica
I'm Sorry My Love (Victor Wood)
The Voice Of Love (Victor Wood)
Don't Say Goodbye (Eddie Peregrina)
Memories Of Our Dreams (Eddie Peregrina)
You Mean Everything To Me (Eddie Peregrina)
End Of he Line (The Traveling Wilburys)
Silence Is Golden (The Tremelous)
Mary Jane On My Mind (Hiro Tsunoda)
Gipsy Woman (Don Williams)
Some Broken Hearts Never Mind (Don Williams)
Englishman In New York (Sting)
Rasputin (Boney M)
Last Of The Mohicans (Leo Rojas/Guitar Intrumental)
I Will Find You (Vintage Culture/Clannad)
Two Lovely Flowers (Steven Dinata)
What Am I Living For (Chuck Willis)
Don't Ever Go (Billy C. Stevens)
Since You've Been Gone (The Outfield)
Please Love Me (Melanie Safka)
Killing Me Softly With His Song (Roberta Flack)
Sweet Home Chicago (The Blues Brothers)
Gimme Some Lovin (The Blues Brothers)
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (The Blues Brothers)
Rosanna (Toto)
Lea (Toto)
Pamela (Toto)
I'll Supply The Love (Toto)
Cowboy Song (Thin Lizzy)
Dancing In The Moonlight (Thin Lizzy)
The Rocker (Thin Lizzy)
Romeo And The Lonely Girl (Thin Lizzy)
Stop It (Julie Ege)
S E Julie On The Ege (Julie Ege)
Don't Say You Love Me (The Corrs)
When The Stars Go Blue (The Corrs)
All The Love In The World (The Corrs)
Summer Sunshine (The Corrs)
She's Gone (Steelheart)
We're In Love (Silver Condor)
Green River (John Fogerty)
Rock And Roll Girl (John Fogerty)
Breakaway (Fah Canyasorn/Kelly Clarkson)
Conga (Gloria Estefan)
What's Up (4 Non Blondes)
Just For You (Richard Cocciante)
Stuck On You (Lionel Richie)
Rock Hard (Suzi Quatro)
Gimme Hope Jo'Anna (Eddy Grant)
Wooly Bully (Terry Lee & TheRockaboogie Band)
Deep Elem Blues (Levon Helm & His Dirt Farmer Quartet)
Sweet Little Rock'n Roller (The Faces)
Let Me Roll It (Paul McCartney dan Wings)
Another Day (Paul McCartney dan Wings)
Give Ireland Back To The Irish (Paul McCartney)
Band On The Run (The Wings)
It Hurts Me Too (John Mayall)
Sitting In The Rain (John Mayall)
Kids Of America (Kim Wilde)
Cambodia (Kim Wilde)
Love Runs Out (Peter Cincotti)
Goobye Philadhelphia (Peter Cincotti)
Always Coca Cola (Joey Diggs)
Coca Cola Tu (Tony Kakkar)
Identity Crisis (The Sweet)
Give The Lady Some Respect (The Sweet)
Spotlight (The Sweet)
Funny Funny (The Sweet)
Hot Love (T Rex)
She's A Fox (Jimi Hendrix)
American Woman (Jimi Hendrix)
Lover Man (Jimi Hendrix)
Freedom (Jimi Hendrix)
Villanova Junction Blues (Jimi Hendrix)
The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)
Foxy Lady (Jimi Hendrix)
All Along The Watchtower (Jimi Hendrik)
Funk #49 (James Gang)
The Lady Wants To Know (Michael Franks)
Forever Young (Raggae Culture)
Going Up the Country (Kitty, Daisy and Lewis)
I'm Coming Home (Kitty, Daisy and Lewis)
Country Music Got A Hold On Me (Kenny Vaughan)
After You've Gone (Stephanie Trick)
We'll Meet Again (Stephanie Trick & Paolo Alderighi)
Shout For Joy (Stephanie Trick & Jorg Hegemann)
Boogie Woogie Stomp (Stephanie Trick, Nicki Parrot & Hal Smith)
A Better Place (Playing For Change)
Lean On Me (Playing For Change)
Take It Easy (James Taylor & Jackson Browne)
Hold On Tight (ELO)
Calling America (ELO)
What's Up (4 Non Blondes)
I Choose You (Sara Bareilles)
Country Clasicos Enganchados
Moonlight Flower (Michael Cretu)
Maribaya (Rosy and Andres)
Country Tony
Country Enganchados (Cowboy Don't Cry) (Eddy Raven)
High Class Lady (The Lennerockers)
School Of Rock And Roll (The Lennerockers)
Boogie Woogie Country Girl (The Lennerockers)
Rockin' My Life Away (The Lennerockers)
I'm A Blues Man (Z.Z. Hill)
Rock And Roll Song (Valdy)
Rocky Mountain Home (The Stampeders)
I Believe In Music (Gallery)
It's So Nice To Be With You (Gallery)
Chewy Chewy (Ohio Express)
Mercy (Ohio Express)
Baby, Come Back (The Equals)
Let Her Cry (Hootie And The Blowfish)
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (Patricia Romania/Brandie Carlile)
You Say (Lauren Daigle)
Still Rolling Stones (Lauren Daigle)
Hillbilly Rock Hillbilly Roll (The Woolpackers)
Mighty Quinn (Manfred Mann)
Pretty Flamingo (Manfred Mann)
Stir It Up (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Could You Be Loved (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Waiting In Vain (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Zimbabwe (Bob Marley and The Wailers))
So Much Trouble In The World (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Satisfy My Soul (Bob Marley)
C'est Le Moment (Caleb Klauder Country Band)
Lyin' Eyes (The Dutch Eagles)
Love Is All Round (The Troggs)
Listen To The Music (Doobie Brothers)
Indiana Wants Me (R Dean Taylor)
Lady Lynda (The Beach Boys)
Changing Partners (Patti Page)
Auld Lang Syne (Ngoc Lan)
Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers)
Hello Dolly (Lino Patruno/Arthur Greenslade and His Orchestra)
Never On Sunday (Manos Hadjidakis) (Billy Vaughn)
Mother And Child Reunion (Paul Simon)
Windfall (Son Volt)
This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie)
Blue Eyes Cryin' In The Rain (Brandie Carlile)
Blame It On The Bossa Nova (Eydie Gorme)
Rock Your Baby (George McCrae)
Mystery#1 (The Contrast)
Take Me Apart (The Contrast)
MacGyver Theme Song (Daniel Caine Orchestra)
Get It On (T Rex)
I Love To Boogie (T Rex)
Hot Love (T Rex)
New York City (Marc Bolan/T.Rex)
Sweet Little Rock N Roller (T Rex Alvin Stardust Elkie Brooks Dave Edmunds)
Trouble (Travis Tritt)
Just Want To Everything (Andy Gibb)
Rock N' Me (Steve Miller Band)
Addicted To Love (Robert Palmer/Renee Walker Band)
Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody (Brick)
Beethoven Virus (Banya/Diana Boncheva)
Oh! Suzanna (Connie Francis)
Honey (Bobby Goldboro)
TheWay It Used To Be (Engelbert Humperdinck)
Glory Of Love (Peter Cetera)
Oye (Tini/Martina Stoessel dan Sebastian Yatra)
Easy (Camilia Cabello)
Candida (Tony Orlando & Dawn)
Little Bit Of Love (Jack Johnson, John Cruz & Friends)
Goodbye My Love (The Glitter Band)
Ballroom Blitz (Sweet)
I'm A Believer (The Monkees)
Earth Angel (The Temptations)
Goodbye (Mary Hopkin/Paul McCartney)
Harvest Moon (Reina del Cid)
The Science Love Song/Lagu Cinta Sains (Mitch Moffit & Greg Brown)
In The Summertime (Mungo Jerry)
Right Here Waiting (Richard Marx)
Love Story (Taylor Swift)
Marry You (Bruno Mars)
Somebody Loves You (Chrystal Gayle)
Uptown Girl (Billy Joel)
Hang On Sloopy (The McCoys)
A World Without Love (Peter and Gordon)
First Love Never Die (Soko)
Mannix (Lalo Schifrin)
Bonanza Theme Song (Instrumental)
The Saint Theme Music (Edwin Astley Orchestra)
All Over The World (Francoise Hardy)
Only Friends (Francoise Hardy)
Fleur De Lune (Francoise Hardy)
Song Of Winter (Francoise Hardy)
Empty Sunday (Francoise Hardy)
Lonesome Town (Francoise Hardy)
Take My Hand For A While (Francoise Hardy)
Until It's Time For You To Go (Francoise Hardy)
Till The Morning Comes (Francoise Hardy)
Le Temps de L'amour/Time To Love (Francoise Hardy)
Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles (Francoise Hardy)
More Than I Can Say (Kong Ling & Fubulous Echoes)
The Spaghetti Song (Sexbomb Girls)
The Bluest Blues (Alvin Lee)
Rock And Roll Music To The World (Ten Years After)
Selamat Hari Natal Dan Tahun Baru (We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year) (Lagu Natal/Lagu Sekolah Minggu/No Name)
Song Of Joy (Miguel Rios)
Eleni (Tol And Tol)
Sedalia (Tol And Tol)
Rollin Rock (Tielman Brothers)
Bossa Nova Baby (Tielman Brothers)
Apache (Tielman Brothers)
Echo Boogie (The Tielman Brothers)
Sweet Georgia Brown (The Tielman Brothers)
King Of The Road (Roger Miller)
Dirty Work (Toni Lindgren & Northsoul)
Shadoogie (Little Remy & The Flying Rockers)
Penetration (The Surfrajettes)
Cha Cha Heels (The Surfrajettes)
Love Song (Syd Barrett)
Bob Dylan Blues (Syd Barrett/Pink Floyd)
More Than I Can Say (Leo Sayer)
Do You Want To Dance (Cliff Richard)
Rockabilly Boogie (Brian Setter Trio)
Hari Ini (Today) (Koes Bersaudara)
We Love Each Other (Koes Plus)
Rasa Hatiku (Koes Bersaudara)
Bunga Di Tepi Jalan (Koes Plus)
Musik Disekelilingku (Koes Plus)
Hari Ini Dan Nanti (Koes Plus)
Telaga Sunyi (Koes Bersaudara)
Ibuku Dan Lagunya (Koes Plus)
Kasihku Yang Hilang (Koes Plus)
Mengapa Hari Telah Gelap (Koes Bersaudara)
Nama Yang Manis (Koes Plus)
Cinta Abadi (Koes Plus)
Nusantara I (Koes Plus)
Jangan Berulang Lagi (Koes Plus)
Harapanku (Koes Bersaudara)
Semua Sama (Koes Bersaudara)
Laguku Sendiri (Koes Bersaudara)
Jeritan Hatiku (Koes Plus)
Rahasia Hatiku (Koes Plus)
Dini (Koes Plus)
Pelangi (Koes Plus)
Bis Sekolah (Koes Bersaudara)
Di Pantai Bali (Koes Bersaudara)
Selalu Gembira (Koes Plus)
Friendly Love (Koes Plus)
Balada Kamar 15 (Koes Bersaudara)
Sonya (Koes Plus)
Three Little Words (Koes Bersaudara)
Mengapa (Koes Plus)
Hanya Untukmu (Koes Plus)
Bilakah Kau Pulang (Koes Plus)
Rasa Sedih Tiada Arti (Koes Plus)
Relax (Koes Plus)
Kembalilah (Koes Plus)
Nyanyian Malam (Koes Plus)
Cepat (Koes Bersaudara)
Masa Bodoh (Koes Plus)
Melepas Kerinduan (Koes Plus)
Malam Ini (Koes Plus)
Oh Kau Tahu (Koes Bersaudara)
Apa Saja (Koes Bersaudara)
Jangan Sedih (Koes Plus)
Gadis Puri (Koes Bersaudara)
Lagu Dalam Impian (Koes Plus)
Tradisi (Koes Plus)
Di Dalam Bui (Koes Bersaudara)
Belajar Bernyanyi (Koes Bersaudara)
Kisah Sedih Di Hari Minggu (Koes Plus)
Unhappy Shade (Koes Plus)
Pagi Yang Indah (Koes Bersaudara)
Tertunda (Koes Plus)
Dewi Rindu (Koes Bersaudara)
Poor Clown (Koes Bersaudara)
Biarlah Ku Sendiri (Koes Plus)
Hidup Yang Sepi (Koes Plus)
Kembali (Koes Bersaudara)
Manis Dan Sayang (Koes Plus)
Seminggu Yang Lalu (Koes Plus)
Kembali Ke Jakarta (Koes Plus)
Derita (Koes Plus)
Kasih Sayang (Koes Plus)
Bunga Dan Remaja (Koes Plus)
Selamat Tinggal (Koes Plus)
Termenung Lesu (Koes Plus)
Pemain Kecapi (Koes Plus)
Pilih Satu (Koes Plus)
Liku-Liku Laki-Laki (Koes Plus)
Cintamu Telah Berlalu (Koes Plus)
Kuduslah Cintamu (Koes Bersaudara)
Selamat Tinggal (Koes Bersaudara)
Minum Kopi Bersama (Koes Plus)
Mari-Mari (Koes Plus)
Main Belakang (Koes Plus)
Cinta Buta (Koes Plus)
Selalu (Koes Bersaudara)
Oh Kasihku (Koes Plus)
My Lady (Koes Bersaudara)
I Will Come To You (Koes Plus)
Bunga Rindu (Koes Bersaudara)
Hadapi (Koes Plus)
Voorman (Koes Bersaudara)
Muda Mudi (Koes Plus)
Remaja ABCD (Koes Plus)
Disana Sini (Koes Plus)
Perasaan (Koes Plus)
Boleh Cinta Boleh Benci (Koes Bersaudara)
Jangan Cemburu (Koes Plus)
Rata-Rata (Koes Plus)
She Is The One (Koes Plus)
Hari Minggu (Koes Plus)
Malam Resah (Koes Bersaudara)
Dara Manisku (Koes Bersaudara)
Terang Bulan (Koes Plus)
Awan Putih (Koes Bersaudara)
Hujan Angin (Koes Plus)
Yes I Do (Koes Plus)
Nusantara III (Koes Plus)
Bergembira (Koes Plus)
Kau Miliki (Koes Plus)
Terbenamlah Matahari (Koes Plus)
Suka Duka Di Bumi (Koes Plus)
Ayah (Koes Bersaudara)
Maafkan Aku (Koes Plus)
O Kasihan (Koes Plus)
Awan Hitam (Koes Plus)
Selamat Berpisah (Koes Bersaudara)
Hilang Tak Berkesan (Koes Plus)
Senja Kelabu (Koes Bersaudara)
Aku Rindu (Koes Bersaudara)
Disappointed I Am (Koes Bersaudara)
I'm In Jail (Koes Bersaudara)
Waktu Berjalan Cepat (Koes Plus)
Kemari (Koes Brothers)
Lamunan (Koes Plus)
Hadapi (Koes Plus)
Waktu (Koes Plus)
Buat Apa Susah (Koes Plus)
Sendiri Dan Rahasia (Koes Plus)
Masa Muda (TKoes Band/Speedy Plus Band/Neo Jibles/Koes Plus)
Kerjakan Kini (Koes Brothers)
Percaya Padaku (Koes Plus)
Kerinduan (Koes Plus)
Mobil Tua (Koes Plus)
Nusantara III (Koes Plus)
Kembalilah Kepadaku (Koes Plus)
Hanya Dia Dan Aku (Koes Plus)
Hari Yang Indah (Koes Plus)
Wenny (Fred dan Mido/Koes Bersaudara)
Dia Permata Hatiku (Koes Bersaudara/David Koeswoyo/B Plus)
Jemu (Koes Plus)
Kau Milikku (Koes Plus)
Semanis Rayuanmu (Koes Plus)
Penyanyi Muda (T Koes Band/Koes Plus)
Love Is Something To Know (Koes Bersaudara)
Issue (Koes Plus)
Kereta Api Pagi (Koes Plus)
Hidupku Sunyi (The Mercy's)
Ulang Tahun (The Mercy's)
Masih Sekolah (The Mercy's)
Let's Dance Get Together (The Mercy's)
Kisah Cinta Anak Sekolah (The Mercy's)
Love (The Mercy's)
Semua Bisa Bilang (The Mercy's)
Oh Mengapa (The Mercy's)
Ayah (The Mercy's)
Kisah Seorang Pramuria (The Mercy's)
Tiada Lagi (The Mercy's)
Padamu Tuhan (The Mercy's)
Baju Baru (The Mercy's)
Hey Hey Hey (The Mercy's)
Biar Kusendiri (The Mercy's)
Rita (The Mercy's)
Tak Sedetikpun (The Mercy's)
Di Pantai (The Mercy's)
Mama Dan Papa (The Mercy's)
Bilakah (The Mercy's)
Pergi Tanpa Berita (The Mercy's)
Kau Biarkan Aku Sendiri (The Mercy's)
Kasih (The Mercy's)
Lagu Rindu (The Mercy's)
Hujan Turun Lagi (The Mercy's)
Lagu Gembira (The Mercy's)
Pergi Tanpa Berita (The Mercy's)
Usah Kau Harap Lagi (The Mercy's)
Kurela Dikau Pergi (The Mercy's)
Gara-Gara Cinta (The Mercy's)
Colour Of Love (The Mercy's)
Only You My Lord (The Mercy's)
Semua Harus Gembira (The Mercy's)
Di Atas Jembatan Semanggi (Bimbo)
Melati (Trio Bimbo Dan Iin Parlina)
Hujan (Bimbo)
Melati Dari Jayagiri (Bimbo)
Jumpa Untuk Berpisah (Bimbo)
Tante Sun (Bimbo)
Abang Becak (Trio Bimbo Dan Iin)
Pacar (Bimbo)
Dara Daluarsa (Trio Bimbo)
Serani Di Noda (Balada Biarawati) (Bimbo)
Telah Datang Dia (Bimbo & Iin)
Rindu Rasul (Bimbo)
Sajadah Panjang (Bimbo)
Dengan Puisi Aku (Bimbo)
Rasul Menyuruh Kita Mencintai Anak Yatim (Bimbo)
Ada Anak Bertanya Pada Bapaknya (Bimbo)
Tuhan (Bimbo)
Umat Manusia Bergembira (Bimbo)
Bermata Tapi Tak Melihat (Bimbo)
Cinta Kilat (Bimbo & Iin)
Balada Gadis Desa (Bimbo)
Balada Seorang Biduan (Bimbo)
Pacarku Manis (Bimbo)
Salam Sayang (Trio Bimbo)
Semalam Di Malaysia (Bimbo)
Musim Bunga (Trio Bimbo)
Penyanyi (Bimbo)
Senja Jatuh Di Bandung Utara (Iin dan Bimbo/Iwan Abdulrachman)
Bergoyang Dan Menari (Bimbo)
Balada Nabi Yunus (Bimbo)
Sinar Yang Hilang (The Rollies)
Bimbi (The Rollies)
Indonesia (The Rollies)
Hanya Bila Haus Di Padang Tandus (The Rollies)
Bunga Berduri (The Rollies)
Kemarau (The Rollies)
Dansa Yok Dansa (The Rollies)
Love Is Stronger Than We (The Rollies)
Musik Kami (The Rollies)
Dia Bukan Gadisku (The Rollies)
Bunga Di Hati (The Rollies)
Malam Minggu (The Rollies)
Kau Yang Kusayang (The Rollies)
The Love Of A Woman (The Rollies)
Kasih Tiada Berpadu (Delly Rollies)
Hari Hari (Gito Rollies)
Hari Dansa (Gito Rollies)
Home Again (The Rollies)
Huma Di Atas Bukit (God Bless)
Panggung Sandiwara (Achmad Albar/God Bless)
She Passed Away (God Bless)
Gadis Binal (God Bless)
Syair Kehidupan (God Bless)
Rock Di Udara (God Bless)
Bis Kota (God Bless)
Rock N Roll Hidupku (God Bless)
Rumah Kita (God Bless)
Sesat (God Bless)
Friday On My Mind (God Bless)
Setan Tertawa (God Bless)
Musisi (God Bless)
Selamat Pagi Indonesia (God Bless)
Laguku (Achmad Albar)
Salam Terakhir (Ian Antono & Ikang Fawzi)
Aku Cinta Kamu (Ikang Fawzi)
Hilangnya Seorang Gadis (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Pagi Yang Cerah (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Free To Love Another Girl (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Kisah Yang Terhina (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Indonesia My Lovely Country (Panbers)
Deritaku (Panbers)
Akhir Cinta (Panbers)
Kisah Gadis Malang (Panbers)
Hidup Terkekang (Panbers)
Putri Gunung (Panbers)
Let's Us Dance Together (Panbers)
Rock And The Sea (Panbers)
Terlambat Sudah (Panbers)
Sok Tahu (No Koes)
Laki-Laki (Nomo Koeswoyo)
Seniman (Nomo Koeswoyo)
Oplet Dago (Pahama)
Himbauan Jiwa (Pahama)
Dia (Pahama)
Baby Rock (SAS Group)
Mimpi Sedih (The Favourites Group)
Sebuah Jalan (Heygress)
Daunpun Jatuh Dipundakku (Heygress)
Ketika Cinta Harus Memilih (Heygress)
Kemarau (Prambors)
Jakarta Jakarta (Prambors Band)
Wajah Wajah (Prambors Band)
Bento (Iwan Fals/Swami)
Mata Indah Bola Pingpong (Iwan Fals)
Kemesraan (Iwan Fals)
Kumenanti Seorang Kekasih (Iwan Fals)
Buku Ini Aku Pinjam (Iwan Fals)
Annisa (Iwan Fals, Lagu yang tidak beredar)
Antara Aku Kau Dan Bekas Pacarmu (Iwan Fals)
Ikan Laut Pun Menari Di Bawah Lenganku (Farid Hardja dan Bani Adam Band)
Karmila (Farid Hardja dan Bani Adam Band)
Balada Malam Minggu (Farid Hardja dan Bani Adam Band)
Berantas Korupsi (Bani Adam Band)
Persada Tercinta (Giant Step)
A Fortunate Paradise (Giant Step)
My Life (Giant Step)
Hati Yang Luka (Giant Step)
Duri Dan Cinta (The Crabs)
Hilang Permataku (The Crabs)
Persipura (Black Brothers)
Gadis Di Lembah Sunyi (Black Brothers)
Sajojo (Black Brothers/Lagu daerah Papua)
Permata Hatiku/You Are The Only One (Black Brothers)
She Took Off My Romeo (Black Brothers)
Terjalin Kembali (Black Brothers)
Derita Tiada Akhir (Black Brothers)
Sonya (Black Brothers)
Pip Pip Yeah (Dara Puspita)
Apa Arti Hidup Ini (Dara Puspita)
Welcome To My House (Dara Puspita)
Cinta Pertama (Dara Puspita)
Pusdi (Dara Puspita)
Believe Me (Dara Puspita)
Surabaya (Dara Puspita/Flower Girls)
Rahmat Dan Cinta (Duo Kribo)
Aku Harus Jadi Superstar (Duo Kribo)
Ku Pergi Bersama Lagu (Rasela)
Tinggal Kenangan (The Rhythm Kings)
Ada Apa Denganmu (Peterpan)
Kisah Cintaku (Noah)
Masih Cinta (Kotak)
Salam Rindu (Tipe X)
Angan (Tipe X)
Biar Nggak Penasaran (Tipe X)
Kala Sang Surya Gemilang (The Kid Brothers)
Munajat Cinta (The Rock)
Teman Tapi Mesra (Ratu)
Balikin (Slank)
Racun Dunia (The Changchuters)
Aku Suka Kamu (Trio Libels)
Cintaku Terbagi Dua (Super Girlies)
Shalawat Badar (Super Girlies)
Hip Hip Hura (Super Girlies)
Hari Harimu (Super Girlies)
Senyum Terindah (Super Girlies)
11 Januari (Gigi)
Aduh Aduh Aminah (Geronimo II)
Gitar Dan Lagu (Geronimo II)
Indahnya Musik Kami (Geronimo V)
Merpati Terbang Tinggi (Geronimo VIII)
Tutti Tutti (Geronimo II)
Frustasi (Kembar Group)
Dina (Kembar Group)
Ketika Cinta Berbunga Duka (Kembar Group)
Kunanti Jawabanmu (Kembar Group)
Godaan Dunia (SYJ)
Yik Foong Blues (SYJ)
Mekar Istana Cinta (Naja)
Cinta 3 (Wow)
Kencana (Black Fantasy)
Dinda Dimana (Katon Bagaskara/Kla Project)
Kanda Disini (Nia Zulkarnain)
Pemuda (Chaseiro)
Dimana (Golden Wing)
Senyum Harapan (Golden Wing)
Sorry Boy (Usman Bersaudara)
Belahan Jiwa (The Virgin)
Cinta Terlarang (The Virgin)
Gemilang (Krakatau)
La Samba Primadona (Krakatau)
Asmara (Abbhama)
Rock N Roll Music (D'lloyd)
Oh Tak Mungkin (D'lloyd Junior)
Katakan Sejujurnya (Armada)
Wanita Paling Berharga (Armada)
Malaria (Harry Roesli)
Surapati Wiranegara (The Gembell's)
Wenny (The Gembell's)
I Will Fly (Ten2Five)
Dokter Cinta (Dewi Dewi)
Masa SMA (Angel 9 Band)
My Heart (Acha Septriasa & Irwansyah)
Oh My Jakarta (Kirana)
Nurlela (Rumpies)
Papa Rock 'N Roll (The Dance Company)
Lupa Lupa Ingat (Kuburan Band)
Keadilan (Opus)
Sweet Looking Woman (Gugun Blues Shelter)
Wow! (The Flower Girls)
Terpaut Di Pekan Baru (Zaenal Combo)
Angin Malam (Sahara)
Baby Say It (Sahara)
Jangan Jangan (Dot)
Ningrat (Jamrud)
Anak Jalanan (Chrisye)
Sabda Alam (Chrisye)
Ketika Tangan Dan Kaki Berkata (Chrisye)
Merpati Putih (Chrisye)
Kisah Kasih Di Sekolah (Chrisye)
Galih Dan Ratna (Chrisye)
Anak Sekolah (Chrisye)
Zamrud Khatulistiwa (Chrisye)
Smaradhana (Chrisye)
Mesin Kota (Chrisye)
Kala Sang Surya Tenggelam (Chrisye)
Merepih Alam (Chrisye)
Juwita (Chrisye)
Matahari (Berlian Hutauruk)
Badai Pasti Berlalu (Berlian Hutauruk)
Kidung (Bram Manusama)
Mari Bernyanyi (Ade Manuhutu)
Virgo (Ade Manuhutu)
Nona Anna (Ade Manuhutu)
Selamat Berbahagia (Ade Manuhutu)
Sendiri (Leo Kristi)
Gulagalugu Suara Nelayan (Leo Kristi)
Hitam Putih (Leo Kristi)
Marilah Kemari (Colony Of Blues/Titiek Puspa/Dara Puspita)
Sinyo Dendy (Titiek Puspa)
Logika (Vina Panduwinata)
Surat Cinta (Vina Panduwinata)
Didadaku Ada Kamu (Vina Panduwinata)
Cinta (Vina Panduwinata)
Single Bar (Vina Panduwinata)
September Ceria (Vina Panduwinata)
Sakura (Fariz RM)
Barcelona (Fariz RM)
More Than Just A Friend (Fariz RM)
Mega Bhuana (Fariz RM)
Mengharap Yang Tak Mungkin (Marini)
Titik-Titik Hujan (Marini)
Kharisma Indonesia (Louise Hutauruk)
Mahajana (Indonesia) (Louise Hutauruk)
Bilang Saja (Agnes Monica)
Bukit Berbunga (Uci Bing Slamet)
Matahari (Berlian Hutauruk)
Damai Tapi Gersang (Hetty Koes Endang & Adjie Bandy)
Maafkan Saya (Broery Marantika)
We Got To Live Together (Broery And The Pro's)
Setangkai Anggrek Bulan (Broery Marantika & Emilia Contessa)
Setitik Harapan (Benny Soebardja)
Looking For Peace And Freedom (Benny Soebardja)
Berita Kepada Kawan (Ebiet G. Ade)
Camelia I (Ebiet G. Ade)
Untuk Kita Renungkan (Ebiet G. Ade)
Misteri Cinta (Ully Sigar Rusady)
Kucari Damai (Ully Sigar Rusady)
Terlena Dalam Mimpi (Ritta Rubby Hartland)
Kasihku (Deddy Dores dan Lilian Angela)
Asmaraku Asmaramu (Dhenok Wahyudi dan Indra Tjahja/The Kid Brothers)
Arti Kehidupan (Doel Sumbang)
Sebuah Pengakuan (Haddad Alwi)
Bila Cengkeh Berbunga (Diana Nasution & Melky Goeslaw)
Pergi Untuk Kembali (Melky Goeslaw/Minggoes Tahitoe)
Malam Yang Dingin (Diana Nasution & Melky Goeslow)
Cintaku (Andi Meriem Mattalata)
Hasrat Dan Cita (Andi Meriem Mattalata)
Cinta Sejati (Bunga Citra Lestari)
Kupu-Kupu Malam (Titiek Puspa)
Terserah Kamu (Sophia Latjuba)
Aku Ini Punya Siapa (January Christy)
Antara Anyer Dan Jakarta (Sheila Madjid)
Api Asmara (Rien Djamain)
Bintang Kehidupan (Nike Ardilla)
Tak Sendiri Lagi (Tantowi Yahya)
Sepercik Air (Deddy Stanzah)
Anak Zaman (Deddy Stanzah)
Gadis Manis Bergelang Emas (Deddy Stanzah)
Siapa Aku (Deddy Stanzah)
Rock N' Roll (Deddy Stanzah)
Comeback To Me (Deddy Stanzah)
Yang Hilang (Anggun C. Sasmi)
Tua-Tua Keladi (Anggun C. Sasmi/T2)
Oh Jakarta (Elly Sunarya)
Surat Undangan (Yuni Shara)
Selamat Tinggal (Rafika Duri)
Hati Tertusuk Duri (Rafika Duri)
Gembala Sapi (Aliza/Country Road)
Balada Ali Topan (Franky dan Jane)
Siti Julaika (dan Durakim Buruh Pabrik Gula) (Franky & Jane)
Bis Kota (Franky dan Jane)
Cinta Remaja (Franky dan Jane)
Musim Bunga (Franky dan Jane)
Semusim Sekali (Franky dan Jane)
Lagu Orang Jakarta (Franky dan Jane)
Untukmu Gadisku (Franky Sahilatua)
Suara Kemiskinan (Franky Sahilatua)
Kupetik Tali Gitar (Franky dan Jane)
Cinta Satu Malam (Melinda)
Jalan Lurus (Gita Gutawa)
Bangun Pemuda Pemudi (Alfred Simanjuntak)
Ayat-Ayat Cinta (Rossa)
Patah Hati (R. Rachmat Kartolo)
Romi dan Julie (Widyawaty & Sophan Sophian)
Widuri (Bob Tutupoly)
Angin November (Emilia Contessa)
Indahnya Sepi (Chandra Darusman)
Teluk Bayur (Ernie Djohan)
Jangan Biarkan Ku Sendiri (Ernie Djohan)
Preman (Ikang Fawzi & Ian Antono)
Cinta Pertama (Itang Yunasz)
Mawar Berduri (Tetty Kadi)
Sigulempong (Gita Suara Jaya/Lagu Daerah Batak)
Neng Geulis (Spartans Band/Jova Musique Performance)
Huhate (Broery Marantika/Andy Mone)
Simpang Ampek Suko Mananti (Charles Hutagalung)
Kambanglah Bungo (Jova Musique/Nusantara Vocal Group)
Sansaro (The Rollies)
Anak Kambing Saya (Lagu Daerah NTT)
Tudung Periuk (Anna Mathovani)
Bungong Jeumpa (Aceh Traditional Song)
Poco-Poco (Yopie Latul)
Dikijoknyo Denai (Lagu Daerah Minangkabau/OM Rumah Gadang/Gumarang)
Cinta Kita (Inka Christie & Amy Search)
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (Melly Goeslaw feat Amee)
Angin Tolong Sampaikan Salamku (Aitinyo)
Anganku Anganmu (Raisa & Isyana Sarasvati)
Tiada Seindah Hari Ini (Tuty Subardjo/Laily Dimyati)
Janjimu (Tuty Subardjo)
Termenung (Titik Sandhora)
Ratapan Ibu tiri (Titik Sandhora)
Liku-Liku Hidup (Mamiek Slamet)
Hasratku (Imaniar)
Prahara Cinta (Lydia Imaniar)
Sorak-Sorak Bergembira (Cornel Simanjuntak)
Klak Klik Kluk (Cinta Pertama) (Itang Yunasz)
Song For The Lovers (Powerslaves)
Semarang (Powerslaves)
Find Our Love Again (Powerslaves)
Resah (Purnama Sultan)
Nyanyian Angsa (Kharisma Alam V.G.)
Cinta Pertama (Anna Mathovani)
Surat Cinta Untuk Starla (Virgoun)
Balasan Surat Cinta Dari Starla (Lian Karoho dkk)
Mantan Terindah (Raisa)
Serba Salah (Raisa)
Renjana (Grace Simon/Guruh Soekarnoputra)
Tersanjung (Retno Susanti)
Oh Baby (Cinta Laura)
Berpisah Di St. Carolus (Retno)
Setulus Hatiku Semurni Cintamu (Arie Koesmiran)
Anak Gembala (Tasya Kamila)
Hati Gembira (Rancanita Andari Rayhan/Sekolah Musik Moritza)
Si Doel Anak Sekolahan (Rano Karno)
Cintaku Cintamu, Cinta Kita (Nicky Ukur)
Selamat Ulang Tahun & Panjang Umurnya (Artis Gema Nada Pertiwi)
Jatuh Cinta (Eddy Silitonga)
Surat Cinta (Nur Afni Octavia)
Kisah-Kasih (Sitompul Sisters)
Ingin Kebebasan (Sitompul Sisters)
Mari Bergoyang (Dina Mariana)
Cinta Salah (OST Ada Cinta Di SMA) (Caitlin Halderman)
Merindukanmu (Chintya Gabriella/D'Masiv)
Gejolak Kawula Muda (Clubeighties)
Dunia Belum Berakhir (Shaden Band)
Haruskah Aku Berlari (Freddy Tamaela)
Selamat Lebaran (Ismail Marzuki/Didi)
Kamus Cinta Sang Primadona (Connie Constantia)
Kembalikan Baliku (Yopie Latul)
Gubahanku (Broery Marantika/Deddy Damhudi/Gatot Sunyoto)
Stasiun Tua (Country Jack)
Sahabat (Country Jack)
Yakin (Radja)
Semakin Ku Kejar Semakin Kau Jauh (Five Minutes)
Kebyar Kebyar (Gombloh/Arkarna)
Cinta Kita (Inka Christie dan Amy Search)
ACI (Aku Cinta Indonesia)
Tetes Hujan Di Bulan April (Betharia Sonata)
Birkan Berlalu (Wings)
Bernafas Dalam Lumpur (Wings)
Bujang Senang (Wings)
Gadisku (Search)
Debunga Wangi (Lefthanded)
Cintamu Mekar Dihati (MAY)
Jemu (MAY)
Sambutlah Kasih (Lovehunters)
Kulakukan Semua Untukmu (RAN)
Please Don't Go (No Mercy)
Malaya Blues (Blues Gang)
Don't You Hide (Blues Gang)
Senyum Di Musim Bunga (Ira Maya Sopha)
Balada (Ira Maya Sopha)
Pinokio (Liza Tanzil & Sandra Dewi/Marum Ayu dan Bulan Ayu)
Semalam Di Cianjur (Sarwana/Kalua)
Last Day In My Room (Time Bomb Blues)
Heartbeat In My Soul (Time Bomb Blues)
Bawaku Pergi (Time Bomb Blues)
Yogyakarta (Kla Project)
Terpurukku Disini (Kla Project)
Coffee Blues Jogja (Jampe Johnson)
Forget Jakarta (Adhitia Sofyan)
Malam Biru (Sandhy Sandoro/Voltus)
Malam Ini (Ocean)
Symphony Yang Indah (Bob Tutupoly)
Menabung (Duta Cinta)
Sekarang Dan Disini (Baruna)
Cinta Kita (Amy Search/Inka Christie/Reggae Version)
Pujaan Hati (Yangseku)
Selir Hati (Rock TRIAD)
Catatan Si Boy (Ikang Fawzi)
Kuserahkan (Bintang Rock Indonesia)
Hanya Satu Kamu (Jakarta Rhythm Section)
Ratna Juwita (Jakarta Rhythm Section)
Nyanyian Malam (Jakarta Rhythm Section)
Lembah Biru (Kastella/Gustaf)
Making Love (Kastella)
Menepis Bayang Kasih (Kastella)
Kasmaran (Kastella)
Januari Yang Biru (Kastella)
Tirai (Kastella)
Bimbang (Kastella)
Rela (Kastella)
Gadis Tokyo (Douglas Olivero/IrwanSyah)
Bila Esok Datang Menjemputmu (Douglas Olivero/Irwan Syah)
Hard Time Blues Man (Mediana)
Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah (Marshanda)
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (Melly Goeslaw)
Bersuka Ria (Soekarno)
Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan (Bona Paputungan)
Renungan (Marissa Haque Band)
Gema Perdana (Marissa Haque Band)
Indah Hari Ini (Shanty)
Permataku (Java Jive)
Gadis Malam (Java Jive)
Kuta Rock City (Superman Is Dead)
Goodbye Whiskey (Superman Is Dead)
Rock Bergema (Roxx)
Kekasih Yang Tak Dianggap (Kertas)
Kekasih Gelapku (Ungu)
Cinta Terbaik (Cassandra)
Penasaran (Rhoma Irama)
Pandangan Pertama 1(A. Rafiq)
Note: The songs that are chosen above are not always the same with the character of the songs editor.
About the songs editor: Drs. Tafiardi, M.Ed. is an intelligentsia/intellectual/philosopher/educator. Worked as a lecturer in the Educational Technology Division, Faculty Of Education, The State University Of Jakarta, Indonesia, editor of the books and songs, author, and blogger. The expertise is instructional development with the intellectual interests of the social sciences and humanities.
To find out who the editor of songs above read "Tentang Blogger Tafiardi" (About Bloggers Tafiardi).
She's Like A Rainbow (The Rolling Stones)
Angie (The Rolling Stones)
Backstreet Girl (The Rolling Stones)
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones)
Honky Tonk Women (The Rolling Stones)
Let's Spend The Night Together (The Rolling Stones)
Out Of Time (The Rolling Stones)
You Can't Always Get What You Want (The Rolling Stones)
Brown Sugar (The Rolling Stones)
Child Of The Moon (The Rolling Stones)
Ride On, Baby (The Rolling Stones)
As Tears Go By (The Rolling Stones)
Memory Motel (The Rolling Stones)
Dead Flowers (The Rolling Stones)
Time Is On My Side (The Rolling Stones)
I Got The Blues (The Rolling Stones)
Sitting On A Fence (The Rolling Stones)
Get Off Of My Cloud (The Rolling Stones)
Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
Jumping Jack Flash (The Rolling Stones)
Let It Bleed (The Rolling Stones)
Play With Fire (The Rolling Stones)
Indian Girl (The Rolling Stones)
Simpathy For The Devil (The Rolling Stones)
Sweet Virginia (The Rolling Stones)
Route 66 (The Rolling Stones)
Bye Bye Johnny (The Rolling Stones/Chuck Berry)
Flight 505 (The Rolling Stones)
Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin') (The Rolling Stones)
Party Doll (Mick Jagger)
I've Been Lonely For So Long (Mick Jagger)
That's How Strong My Love Is (The Rolling Stones)
Pain The My Heart (The Rolling Stones)
If You Need Me (The Rolling Stones)
Good Times Bad Times (The Rolling Stones)
The Singer Not The Song (The Rolling Stones)
Some Girls (The Rolling Stones)
Down Home Girl (The Rolling Stones)
Sing This All Together (The Rolling Stones)
2000 Man (The Rolling Stones)
Start Me Up (The Rolling Stones)
Plundered My Soul (The Rolling Stones)
Jigsaw Puzzle (The Rolling Stones)
Sway (The Rolling Stones)
No Expectations (The Rolling Stones)
Happy (The Rolling Stones)
Fancy Man Blues (The Rolling Stones)
It Hurts Me Too (The Rolling Stones)
Happy (The Rolling Stones)
Come On (The Rolling Stones)
I Was A Country Boy (The Rolling Stones)
Mother's Little Helper (The Rolling Stones)
No Spare Parts (The Rolling Stones)
Till The Night Goodbye (The Rolling Stones)
She's So Cold (The Rolling Stones)
Stray Cat Blues (The Rolling Stones)
Hey Jude (The Beatles)
Penny Lane (The Beatles)
The Long And Winding Road (The Beatles)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles)
Mother Nature's Son (The Beatles)
Get Back (The Beatles)
Let It Be (The Beatles)
Hello Goodbye (The Beatles)
Love Me Do (The Beatles)
Two Of Us (The Beatles)
A Little Help From My Friend (The Beatles)
Yesterday (The Beatles)
The Ballad Of John And Yoko (The Beatles)
Roll Over Beethoven (The Beatles/Chuck Berry)
Sweet Little Sixteen (The Beatles/Chuck Berry)
Rock And Roll Music (The Beatles/Chuck Berry)
Hippy Hippy Shake (The Beatles/Chan Romero))
Falling In Love Again (The Beatles/Frederick Hollander & Sammy Lerner)
My Bonnie (The Beatles with Tony Sheridan/The Beats Pete Best)
To Know Her Is To Love Her (The Beatles/Phil Spector)
Ain't She Sweet (The Beatles)
Be Bop A Lula (The Beatles/Stray Cats/Gene Vincent & Bill Davis)
I've Just Seen A Face (The Beatles/Paul McCartney-Live In The Red Square, Moscow, Russia/Paul McCartney-Wings)
Strawberry Fields Forever (The Beatles)
Old Brown Shoe (The Beatles)
Mr. Moonlight (The Beatles)
I Saw Her Standing There (The Beatles)
Rocky Raccoon (The Beatles)
I Want To Hold Your Hand (The Beatles)
Oh Darling (The Beatles)
Obladi Oblada (The Beatles)
Hold Me Tight (The Beatles)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamond (The Beatles)
Here, There, And Everywhere (The Beatles)
When I'm Sixty Four (The Beatles)
Norwegian Wood (The Beatles)
Here Come The Sun (The Beatles)
Michelle (The Beatles)
Revolution 1 (The White Album) (The Beatles)
For No One (The Beatles)
Now And Then (The Beatles)
Inner Light (The Beatles)
Magical Mystery Tour (The Beatles)
I'm Down (The Beatles)
Thank You Girl (The Beatles)
Honey Don't (The Beatles)
Let's Dance (The Beatles)
Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
Rain (The Beatles)
Crying, Waiting, Hoping (The Beatles/Buddy Holly)
Anna (Go To Him) (The Beatles)
Reminiscing (The Beatles)
Boys (The Beatles)
Lend Me Your Comb (The Beatles)
Little Child (The Beatles)
Maybe Baby (The Beatles)
Sour Milk Sea (The Beatles)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles)
In My Life (The Beatles)
Birthday (The Beatles)
The Night Before (The Beatles)
The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (The Beatles)
Back In The USSR (The Beatles)
Your Mother Should Know (The Beatles)
Cry For A Shadow (The Beatles)
World Without Love (The Beatles)
Isn't It A Pity (The Beatles)
Mama You've Been On My Mind (The Beatles)
I Lost My Little Girl (The Beatles)
A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues (The Beatles)
One After 909 (The Beatles)
Till There Was You (The Beatles)
A Taste Of Honey (The Beatles)
I'm Looking Through You (The Beatles)
Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (The Beatles)
I'll Follow The Sun (The Beatles)
I Should Have Known Better (The Beatles)
Hello Little Girl (The Beatles)
Don't Bother Me (The Beatles)
I Need You (The Beatles)
Sure To Fall (The Beatles)
Blue Blue Sky (The Beatles)
Love (John Lennon)
Mother (John Lennon)
Oh Yoko (John Lennon)
Oh My Love (John Lennon)
Real Love (John Lennon)
God (John Lennon)
The Luck Of The Irish (John Lennon)
Nobody Told Me (John Lennon)
(Just Like) Starting Over (John Lennon)
Slippin And Slidin (John Lennon)
Deep Blue (George Harrison)
If Not For You (George Harrison)
True Love (George Harrison)
Beautiful Girl (George Harrison)
Let It Roll (George Harrison)
Any Road (George Harrison)
Photograph (Ringo Star)
Never Without You (Ringo Star)
What'd I Say (The Beatles And Tony Sheridan)
Marley Purt Drive (Bee Gees/July Paul)
To Love Somebody (Bee Gees)
Railroad (Bee Gees)
Cherry Red (Bee Gees)
Give Your Best (Bee Gees)
Don't Forget To Remember Me (Bee Gees)
Rest Your Love On Me (Bee Gees)
I Started A Joke (Bee Gees)
Spicks And Specks (Bee Gees)
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (Bee Gees)
I.O.I.O (Bee Gees)
Lonely Days (Bee Gees)
Melody Fair (Bee Gees)
Tomorrow Tomorrow (Bee Gees)
Wedding Day (Bee Gees)
Smile For Me (Bee Gees)
I've Gotta Get A Message To You (Bee Gees)
Shinking Ships (Bee Gees)
In My Own Time (Bee Gees)
An Everlasting Love (Bee Gees)
Blue Island (Bee Gees)
It Doesn't Matter Much To Me (Bee Gees)
Give A Hand, Take A Hand (Bee Gees)
Another Lonely Night In New York (Robin Gibb)
Juliet (Robin Gibb)
Hold Her In Your Hand (Maurice Gibb)
Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
Tangerine (Led Zeppelin)
Boogie With STU (Led Zeppelin)
Houses Of The Holy (Led Zeppelin)
Hot Dog (Led Zeppelin)
Bron Y Aur Stomp (Led Zeppelin)
Thank You (Led Zeppelin)
Communication Breakdown (Led Zeppelin)
Misty Mountain Hop (Led Zeppelin)
Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
Your Time Is Gonna Come (Led Zeppelin)
Good Times Bad Times (Led Zeppelin)
Rock And Roll (Led Zeppelin)
Since I've Been Loving You (Led Zeppelin)
The Song Remains The Same (Led Zeppelin)
Hey Joe (Led Zeppelin)
Moby Dick (Led Zeppelin)
Blueberry Hill (Led Zeppelin)
When The World Was Young (Jimmy Page and Robert Plant)
School Days (Led Zeppelin/Chuck Berry)
Hey Hey What Can I Do (Led Zeppelin/Rare Intrumental/With Lyrics)
Dyer Maker (Led Zeppelin)
The Rover (Led Zeppelin)
Somebody To Love (Queen)
Love Of My Life (Queen)
Play The Game (Queen)
Who Need You (Queen)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
My Melancholy Blues (Queen)
Mustapha (Queen)
Too Much Love Will Kill You (Queen)
I Want To Break Free (Queen)
Still Loving You (Scorpions)
Wind Of Change (Scorpions)
Always Somewhere (Scorpions)
Rhythm Of Love (Scorpions)
You And I (Scorpions)
I'll Be There (Jackson Five)
We Are The World (Michael Jackson)
Our Lady (Deep Purple)
Woman From Tokyo (Deep Purple)
Highway Star (Deep Purple)
Soldier Of Fortune (Deep Purple)
Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
Fireball (Deep Purple)
Mary Long (Deep Purple)
Wasted Sunsets (Deep Purple)
Cotton Fields (CCR/The Beach Boys/The Dutch Lady Rain/Picksiebner/Wildwood Roses/Jon Fisher/John Fogerty)
Hey, Tonight (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Travellin' Band (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Molina (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Proud Mary (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Jambalaya (On the bayou) (Creedance Clearwater Revival/Hank Williams/Los Leones Rock)
Who'll Stop The Rain (CCR)
It Came Out Of The Sky (CCR)
Don't Look Now (CCR)
Bad Moon Rising (CCR)
Rockin All Over The World (Status Quo)
Good Golly Miss Molly (Status Quo)
Rock And Roll And You (Status Quo)
Old Time Rock And Roll (Status Quo/Bob Seger)
Let's Rock (Status Quo)
Rollin' Home (Status Quo)
Nothing Comes Easy (Status Quo)
Accident Prone (Status Quo)
Dear John (Status Quo)
Blue Eyed Lady (Status Quo)
Caroline (Status Quo)
Love Hurt (Nazareth)
Holyday (Nazareth)
After Tonight (REO Speedwagon)
Music Man (REO Speedwagon)
Sultans Of Swing (Dire Straits)
Walk Of Life (Dire Straits)
I'm Gonna Loose You (The Classic)
November Rain (Guns N' Roses)
Paradise City (Guns N' Roses)
Rain And Tears (Aphrodite's Child)
Velvet Mornings (Demis Roussos)
Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Tuesday's Gone (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Yellow River (Christie)
Hotel California (The Eagles)
Every Breath You Take (The Police)
Reggatta de Blanc (The Police)
Spirits in The Material World (The Police)
So Lonely (The Police)
Dust In The Wind (Kansas)
Sugar Sugar Candy Girl (The Archies)
Justine (The Archies)
Don't Run From Love (The Archies)
Suddenly Susan (The Archies)
Mother How Are You Today (Maywood)
Mississipi (Baby Astheria, Dinda &Adis)
Too Young To Be Married (The Hollies)
Mamma Mia (ABBA)
Rock 'N Roll Band (ABBA)
People Need Love (ABBA)
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (ABBA)
Andante, andante (ABBA)
Hasta Manana (ABBA)
This Is How Love Begins (ABBA Agnetha & Bjorn)
Waterloo (ABBA)
The Winner Takes It All (ABBA/Gabriella Quevedo)
Happy New Year (ABBA/Gabriella Quevedo)
Radar Love (Golden Earring)
Buddy Joe (Golden Earring)
When The Lady Smiles (Golden Earring)
Hold Me Know (Golden Earring)
Pouring My Heart Out Again (Golden Earring)
Vanilla Queen (Golden Earring)
My Generation (The Who)
Pictures Of Lily (The Who)
My Wife (The Who)
These Eyes (The Guess Who)
American Woman (The Guess Who)
Lady In Black (Uriah Heep)
Come Away Melinda (Uriah Heep)
Every Little Thing (Country Sisters)
Cotton Eyed Joe (Country Sisters)
Let's Have A Party (Country Sisters)
Achy Breaky Heart (Country Sisters/Blue Still)
Thank God I'm A Country Girl (Country Sisters)
Louisiana Saturday Night (Country Sisters)
Mamy Blue (James Last)
Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd)
Julia Dream (Pink Floyd)
Fat Old Sun (Pink Floyd)
Remember A Day (Pink Floyd)
I Am Gonna Lose You (The Classics)
My Russian Lady (The Classics)
My Lady Of Spain (The Classics)
Baby What A Big Surprise (Chicago)
Song For You (Chicago)
Feelin' Stronger Every Day (Chicago)
You're The Inspiration (Chicago)
Solitude (Black Sabbath)
HiDeHo (Blood, Sweat & Tears)
Mama Said (Metallica)
Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
London Calling (The Clash)
I Want That Girl (The KLF/Bill Drummond)
I'm The King Of Joy (The KLF/Bill Drummond)
I Believe In Rock N Roll (The KLF/Bill Drummond)
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You (Bryan Adams)
The Sound Of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel)
San Fransisco Nights (Eric Burdon & The Animals)
House Of The Rising Sun (Eric Burdon & The Animals)
Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (The Animals)
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (The Animals)
Smooth (Santana/Rob Thomas)
The Game Of Love (Santana/Michelle Branch)
Everybody's Everything (Santana)
Corazon Espinado (Santana)
Jungle Strut (Santana)
Come Home (Clover Leaf)
Girl Where Are You Going To (Clover Leaf)
What Kind Of Man (Clover Leaf)
Love Street (The Doors)
Roadhouse Blues (The Doors)
A Picture Of You (Joe Brown And The Bruvvers)
Groovy Kind Of Love (Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders)
Take Me To Your Heart (Michael Learns To Rock)
Viva Forever (Spice Girls)
Follow You Follow Me (Genesis)
There's A Kind Of Hush (Herman's Hermits)
One Way Wind (The Cats)
Country Woman (The Cats)
Let's Dance (The Cats)
Maribaja (The Cats)
Kick Out The Jams (MC5)
Those Were The Days (Mary Hopkin)
North Country Blues (Joan Baez)
Donna Donna (Joan Baez)
Diamond And Rust (Joan Baez)
Father And Son (Cat Stevens)
Very Young (Cat Stevens)
Morning Has Broken (Cat Stevens)
Wild World (Cat Stevens)
The First Cut Is The Deepest (Cat Stevens)
My Lady D'Arbanville (Cat Stevens)
Here Comes My Baby (Cat Stevens)
Pretty Woman (Elvis Presley)
Always On My Mind (Elvis Presley)
Blue Suede Shoes (Elvis Presley)
Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley)
Promised Land (Elvis Presley)
All Shook Up (Elvis Presley)
Kiss Me Quick (Elvis Presley)
Burning Love (Elvis Presley)
Money Honey (Elvis Presley)
No More (Elvis Presley)
Polk Salad Annie (Elvis Presley)
Silent Night (Elvis Presley)
Let's Have A Party (Elvis Presley)
One Sided Love Affair (Elvis Presley)
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (Elvis Presley)
Little Darling (Elvis Presley)
When My Blue Moon Turns Gold Again (Elvis Presley)
Green Green Grass Of Home (Elvis Presley)
Welcome To My World (Elvis Presley)
Moody Blue (Elvis Presley)
Old Man (Neil Young)
My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue) (Neil Young)
Cowgirl In The Sand (Neil Young)
Ohio (Neil Young)
After The Goldrush (Neil Young)
Helpless (Neil Young)
Four Strong Winds (Canadian Classic) ((Neil Young)
Long May You Run (Neil Young)
Blowin' In The Wind (Bob Dylan)
Like A Rolling Stones (Bob Dylan)
Subterranean Homesick Blues (Bob Dylan)
Girl From The North Country (Bob Dylan)
Corrina, Corrina (Bob Dylan)
Bob Dylan's Dream (Bob Dylan)
Oxford Town (Bob Dylan)
A Hard Rains A Gonna Fall (Bob Dylan)
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Bob Dylan)
Bob Dylan's Blues (Bob Dylan)
Lonesome Whistle Blues (Bob Dylan)
Roll On, John (Bob Dylan)
Forever Young (Bob Dylan)
Don't Think Twice It's All Right (Bob Dylan)
San Fransisco (Be sure to wear flowers in your hair) (Scott McKenzie)
I Don't Want To Talk About It (Rod Stewart)
Maggie May (Rod Stewart)
Have You Ever Seen The Rain (Rod Stewart)
Baby Jane (Rod Stewart)
Reason To Believe (Rod Stewart)
Sailing (Rod Stewart)
Stay With Me (Rod Stewart)
September In The Rain (Rod Steward)
You Can Make Me Dance, Sing Or Anything (Rod Steward & The Faces)
Hot Legs (Rod Stewart)
Can't Help Falling In Love (Julio Iglesias)
Guantanamera (Julio Iglesias)
I'm Talking About You (Chuck Berry)
Let It Rock (Chuck Berry)
Reelin' And Rockin' (Chuck Berry)
Back In The USA (Chuck Berry)
Nadine (Chuck Berry)
Mama (Heintje)
Leave A Light On For Me (Bjorn Wikoren & Arnhild Wikoren/Adam Wright)
Song For The Children (Oscar Harris)
Try A Little Love (Oscar Harris And The Twinkle Stars)
Anyone Can Fall In Love (Anita Dobson)
Love Is Blue (Tracy Huang/Le Grand Orchestre de Paul Mauriat/Brian Blackburn & Pierre Cour/Andre Popp)
Hello Darling (Tracy Huang)
I Only Want To Be With You (Tracy Huang)
The First Time Ever I saw Your Face (Nana Mouskouri)
Love Story (Nana Maouskouri)
Plaisir d'Amour (Nana Mouskouri)
Nickel Song (Melanie/Nana Mouskouri)
Soleil Soleil (Nana Mouskouri/Le Grand Orchestre de Paul Mauriat)
Danny Boy (Nana Mouskouri)
A Place In My Heart (Nana Mouskouri)
Lost Inside The Blues (Leon Russell)
Goodnight Irene (Leon Russell/Nashville Jam)
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Madonna/Tim Rice/Anrew Lloyd Webber)
You Are (Dolly Parton)
Jolene (Dolly Parton)
I Love You (Sophie)
Take Me Home, Country Roads (John Denver)
Leaving On A Jet Plane (John Denver)
Annie's Song (John Denver)
Thank God I'm A Country Boy (John Denver)
My Sweet Lady (John Denver)
Let It Be Me (Lobo/Roland Kent LaVoie)
Dream Lover (Lobo)
Rock And Roll Days (Lobo/Roland Kent LaVoie)
The Carribean Disco Show (Lobo)
Heroes (David Bowie)
The Man Who Sold The World (David Bowie)
Young Americans (David Bowie)
China Girl (David Bowie)
Sealed With A Kiss (Jason Donovan)
Rhythm Of The Rain (Jason Donovan/The Cascades)
Lucky Lips (Cliff Richard)
Evergreen Tree (Cliff Richard/Aaron Schroeder/Wally Good)
Visions (Cliff Richard)
Constantly (Cliff Richard)
Learning How To Rock And Roll (Cliff Richard)
Let Her In (John Travolta)
Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison)
Woodstock (Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young/Joni Mitchell)
4+20 (Crosby, Still, Nash, And Young)
Country Girl (Crosby, Still, Nash, And Young)
Teach Your Children (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Song For Susan (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young)
Johnny's Garden (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
Change Partners (Crosby, Still, Nash and Young)
Music Is Love (CSNY)
Maybe (Thom Pace)
Sheila (Tommy Roe)
Beautiful Sunday (Daniel Boone/Honstar)
Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep (Lally Stott)
Oh Donna (Ritchie Valens)
To See My Angel Cry (Conway Twitty)
Tell Laura I Love Her (Johnny Tillotson)
Judy Judy Judy (Johnny Tillotson/Peter Chan)
I Can't Stop Loving You (Don Gibson)
Take My Hand For A While (Don Gibson)
Almost Persuaded (David Houston)
Killing Me Softly (Frank Sinatra)
Hello Mary Lou (Ricky Nelson)
Between The Bars (Elliott Smith)
La Bamba (Los Bobos & Gipsy Kings)
La Bamba Di Piro (Los Lobos & Gipsy Kings)
Love Story (Andy Williams)
Pour Un Flirt (Michel Delpech/Miossec & Jane Birkin)
God Save The Queen (Sex Pistols)
Welscher Tanz (Flos Florum)
Divertissement I (Jean Baptiste Lully)
Copacabana (Barry Manilow)
Valentine (Kina Grannis)
You Are My Sunshine (Jasmine Thompson)
My Valentine (Martina McBride & Jim Brickman)
Finlandia (J. Sibelius)
Here Come The Bridge-Wedding March (Richard Wagner)
I like Chopin (Gazebo)
Etude Theme (F. Chopin)
Dance Of The Cygnets (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Auld Lang Syne (Scotch Folk Song)
Island Daydream (Haitian Folk Song)
Little Fairy Waltz (Ludovic Streabbog)
Arietta (W.A. Mozart)
Sonatina Romance (Ludwig Van Bethoven)
Musette (J.S. Bach)
Soldiers' March (Robert Schuman)
Hungarian Dance No. 5 (Johannes Brahms)
Cradle Song (Johannes Brahms)
Menuette G dur BWV.Anh.114 (J.S. Bach)
Last Rose Of Summer (Laura Wright/Thomas Moore)
Minuet From Don Juan (W.A. Mozart)
Turkish March (L. Van Beethoven)
Waltz Of The Flowers (Tchaikovsky)
Piano Concerto (Robert Schumann)
Fur Elise (L.V. Beethoven)
Moonlight Sonata (L.V. Beethoven/Dr. Viossy/Tina S)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Aida-Marcia Trionvale (Triumphal March) (Giuseppe Verdi)
The Best Of Times (Tina S/Dream Theater)
The Loner (Tina S/Gary Moore)
Vivaldi Tribute (Tina S/Patrick Rondat))
Boulevard (Dan Byrd)
The Godfather (Love Theme) (Nino Rota)
The Second Waltz (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Romeo And Juliet (Nino Rota)
Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
Brandenburg Concerto (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Unaccompanied Cello Suites (J.S. Bach)
Oh Ma Jolie Sarah (Johnny Hallyday)
Hey Lovely Lady (Johnny Hallyday)
Le Bon Temps Du Rock N Roll (Johnny Hallyday)
I've Been Away Too Long (George Baker)
Banjo Boogie (Arthur Smith)
Guitar Boogie (Arthur Smith)
Hello Dolly (Count Basie & Frank Sinatra)
Double Banjo Blues (Reno & Smiley)
Boogie Woogie (Marie Osmond)
RainingTears (Marie Osmond)
Baby Won't You Let Me Rock N Roll You (Ten Years After)
Rock And Roll Music To The World (Ten Years After)
I'd Love To Change The World (Ten Years After)
Love Like A Man (Ten Years After)
I'm Going Home (Hank Williams)
Baby Blue (Badfinger)
Sing Me Back Home (Merle Haggard)
Working Man Blues (Merle Haggard)
Canon Rock (Laura)
Canon Rock Final (Mattrach)
Denpasar Moon (Maribeth)
Ooh La La (The Faces)
Sweet Lady Mary (The Faces)
Open To Ideas (The Faces)
Sweet Little Rock'n Roller (The Faces)
Venus (Shocking Blue)
Never Marry A Railroad Man (Shocking Blue)
California Here I Come (Shocking Blue)
Mighty Joe (Shocking Blue)
I'm Sorry My Love (Victor Wood)
Sweet Caroline (Victor Wood)
Knock Three Times (Tony Orlando & Dawn)
Livin' La Vida Loca (Ricky Martin)
Isla Bella (Ricky Martin)
Woman In Love (Liz McClarnon/Barbra Streisand)
Don't Sleep Away This Night (Daniel Sahuleka)
You Make My World So Colourful (Daniel Sahuleka)
Mountain Music (Alabama)
Foggy Mountain Breakdown (Earl Scruggs and Friends)
The Ballad Of Jed Clampett (Earl Scruggs)
Lonesome Road Blues (Earl Scruggs)
One Way Ticket (Boney M)
I Love The Flower Girl (The Rain, The Park And Other Things) (The Cowsills)
Daisy Jane (America)
Eloise (Barry Ryan)
The Star Spangled Banner (Lagu Kebangsaan AS)
Lupang Hinirang (Lagu Kebangsaan Filipina)
Das Deutschlandlied (Lagu Kebangsaan Jerman)
Majulah Singapura (Lagu Kebangsaan Singapura)
My Favorite Things (Joey Alexander)
Deep Elem Blues (Grateful Dead)
The Weight (The Band)
Ophelia (The Band)
Black Superman (Muhammad Ali) (Johnny Wakelin & The Kinshasa Band)
Stand By Me (Muhammad Ali)
The Gang's All Here (Muhammad Ali)
Baby Baby Balla Balla (Chubby Checker And The Masks)
Old Time Rock n Roll (Bob Seger)
Marlboro Country (Henri Mancini)
My Heart Will Go On (Titanic Theme Song) (Celion Dion)
Song Song Blue (Neil Diamond)
Redemption Song (Ashley Lilinoe)
Song Of Joy (Miguel Rios)
If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot)
Let your love flow (Bellamy Brothers)
It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
Always (Bon Jovi)
Baby Blue (George Baker)
It Never Rains In Southern California (Albert Hammond)
When I'm Gone (Albert Hammond)
El Condor Pasa (Paul Simon & Garfunkel)
Tell Mama (Savoy Brown)
Corinna Corinna (Ray Peterson)
Don't Let Me Be Lonely (The Band Perry)
Hip To My Heart (The Band Perry)
You Never Can Tell (Emmylou Harris/Aaron Neville/The Pelicans/Chuck Berry)
La Mafia Del Rock And Rock (Emmylou Harris)
We Are A People Of Power (Rosanna Palmer)
The Safety Dance (Men Without Hats)
The Story Of A Social Enemy (The Walkers)
Sweet Rosalie (The Walkers)
Someone Like You (Eric Clapton)
Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton)
Baby Blue (The George Baker Selection)
Una Paloma Blanca (The George Baker Selection)
I've Away Too Long (George Baker)
Red River Rock (Johnny And The Hurricanes)
Rock N' Roll Is King (Teencats/Electric Light Orchestra)
What A Wonderful World (Ramones)
Henri's Boogie (Henri John Pierre Herbert)
Sunshine Reggae (Laid Back)
Live Is Life (Opus)
Keep Your Mind (Opus)
Africa (Toto)
Blue River (Eric Andersen/Ricky King)
La Paloma (Nana Mouskouri/Julio Iglesias/Ricky King)
California Blue (Roy Orbison/Ricky King)
Drums Boogie (Martin Pyrker & Sabine Pyrker)
Boogie Woogie Stomp (Ladyva)
8 To The Bar (Ladyva)
Boogie Woogie Be With Me (Ladyva)
The Best Boogie Woogie Ever (Darren Green)
Oh Boy! (N.N.)
Lenny (Stevie Ray Vaughan)
Real Gone Rocker (Johnny and The Jailbirds)
High School Sweethearts (Black Knights)
Apache (The Ventures)
You Can Count On Me (Sammy Davis, Jr/Morton Stevens)
Hawaii Five-O (From You Can Count On Me, original theme song from Hawaii Five-O) (The Ventures/Morton Stevens)
Mission Impossible (Lalo Schifrin)
To Trap A Spy (Arrangement Of Man From UNCLE theme) (Jerry Goldsmith)
Kojak Theme Song (The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra and Mike Towned)
My Country/Mein Land (The BossHoss)
Nights In White Satin (The Moody Blues)
Treetop Flyer (Stephen Stills)
Blues Man (Stephen Stills)
The Great Song Of Indefferent (Bob Geldof)
This Is The World Calling (Bob Geldof)
I Don't Like Monday (Bob Geldof)
To Live In Love (Bob Geldof)
She's A Lover (Bob Geldof)
The Beat Of The Night (Bob Geldof)
Love Or Something (Bob Geldof)
Rock And Roll All Night (Kiss)
Reflection Of My Life (The Marmalade)
Baby Make It Soon (The Marmalade)
Sarah (The Marmalade)
Radancer (The Marmalade)
Green Eyed Lady (Sugarloaf)
Poor Boy (The Lords)
Make Me Happy (Carly and Martina)
Say Something (Carly and Martina)
The House That Build Me (Carly and Martina)
Get Together (The Youngbloods)
Can't Take My Eyes Of You (Frankie Valli/Jova Musique Performance)
Edelweiss-The Sound Of Music (Christopher Plummer)
Keep On Dancing (The Gentrys)
La Banda Della Musica
I'm Sorry My Love (Victor Wood)
The Voice Of Love (Victor Wood)
Don't Say Goodbye (Eddie Peregrina)
Memories Of Our Dreams (Eddie Peregrina)
You Mean Everything To Me (Eddie Peregrina)
End Of he Line (The Traveling Wilburys)
Silence Is Golden (The Tremelous)
Mary Jane On My Mind (Hiro Tsunoda)
Gipsy Woman (Don Williams)
Some Broken Hearts Never Mind (Don Williams)
Englishman In New York (Sting)
Rasputin (Boney M)
Last Of The Mohicans (Leo Rojas/Guitar Intrumental)
I Will Find You (Vintage Culture/Clannad)
Two Lovely Flowers (Steven Dinata)
What Am I Living For (Chuck Willis)
Don't Ever Go (Billy C. Stevens)
Since You've Been Gone (The Outfield)
Please Love Me (Melanie Safka)
Killing Me Softly With His Song (Roberta Flack)
Sweet Home Chicago (The Blues Brothers)
Gimme Some Lovin (The Blues Brothers)
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (The Blues Brothers)
Rosanna (Toto)
Lea (Toto)
Pamela (Toto)
I'll Supply The Love (Toto)
Cowboy Song (Thin Lizzy)
Dancing In The Moonlight (Thin Lizzy)
The Rocker (Thin Lizzy)
Romeo And The Lonely Girl (Thin Lizzy)
Stop It (Julie Ege)
S E Julie On The Ege (Julie Ege)
Don't Say You Love Me (The Corrs)
When The Stars Go Blue (The Corrs)
All The Love In The World (The Corrs)
Summer Sunshine (The Corrs)
She's Gone (Steelheart)
We're In Love (Silver Condor)
Green River (John Fogerty)
Rock And Roll Girl (John Fogerty)
Breakaway (Fah Canyasorn/Kelly Clarkson)
Conga (Gloria Estefan)
What's Up (4 Non Blondes)
Just For You (Richard Cocciante)
Stuck On You (Lionel Richie)
Rock Hard (Suzi Quatro)
Gimme Hope Jo'Anna (Eddy Grant)
Wooly Bully (Terry Lee & TheRockaboogie Band)
Deep Elem Blues (Levon Helm & His Dirt Farmer Quartet)
Sweet Little Rock'n Roller (The Faces)
Let Me Roll It (Paul McCartney dan Wings)
Another Day (Paul McCartney dan Wings)
Give Ireland Back To The Irish (Paul McCartney)
Band On The Run (The Wings)
It Hurts Me Too (John Mayall)
Sitting In The Rain (John Mayall)
Kids Of America (Kim Wilde)
Cambodia (Kim Wilde)
Love Runs Out (Peter Cincotti)
Goobye Philadhelphia (Peter Cincotti)
Always Coca Cola (Joey Diggs)
Coca Cola Tu (Tony Kakkar)
Identity Crisis (The Sweet)
Give The Lady Some Respect (The Sweet)
Spotlight (The Sweet)
Funny Funny (The Sweet)
Hot Love (T Rex)
She's A Fox (Jimi Hendrix)
American Woman (Jimi Hendrix)
Lover Man (Jimi Hendrix)
Freedom (Jimi Hendrix)
Villanova Junction Blues (Jimi Hendrix)
The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)
Foxy Lady (Jimi Hendrix)
All Along The Watchtower (Jimi Hendrik)
Funk #49 (James Gang)
The Lady Wants To Know (Michael Franks)
Forever Young (Raggae Culture)
Going Up the Country (Kitty, Daisy and Lewis)
I'm Coming Home (Kitty, Daisy and Lewis)
Country Music Got A Hold On Me (Kenny Vaughan)
After You've Gone (Stephanie Trick)
We'll Meet Again (Stephanie Trick & Paolo Alderighi)
Shout For Joy (Stephanie Trick & Jorg Hegemann)
Boogie Woogie Stomp (Stephanie Trick, Nicki Parrot & Hal Smith)
A Better Place (Playing For Change)
Lean On Me (Playing For Change)
Take It Easy (James Taylor & Jackson Browne)
Hold On Tight (ELO)
Calling America (ELO)
What's Up (4 Non Blondes)
I Choose You (Sara Bareilles)
Country Clasicos Enganchados
Moonlight Flower (Michael Cretu)
Maribaya (Rosy and Andres)
Country Tony
Country Enganchados (Cowboy Don't Cry) (Eddy Raven)
High Class Lady (The Lennerockers)
School Of Rock And Roll (The Lennerockers)
Boogie Woogie Country Girl (The Lennerockers)
Rockin' My Life Away (The Lennerockers)
I'm A Blues Man (Z.Z. Hill)
Rock And Roll Song (Valdy)
Rocky Mountain Home (The Stampeders)
I Believe In Music (Gallery)
It's So Nice To Be With You (Gallery)
Chewy Chewy (Ohio Express)
Mercy (Ohio Express)
Baby, Come Back (The Equals)
Let Her Cry (Hootie And The Blowfish)
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (Patricia Romania/Brandie Carlile)
You Say (Lauren Daigle)
Still Rolling Stones (Lauren Daigle)
Hillbilly Rock Hillbilly Roll (The Woolpackers)
Mighty Quinn (Manfred Mann)
Pretty Flamingo (Manfred Mann)
Stir It Up (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Could You Be Loved (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Waiting In Vain (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Zimbabwe (Bob Marley and The Wailers))
So Much Trouble In The World (Bob Marley and The Wailers)
Satisfy My Soul (Bob Marley)
C'est Le Moment (Caleb Klauder Country Band)
Lyin' Eyes (The Dutch Eagles)
Love Is All Round (The Troggs)
Listen To The Music (Doobie Brothers)
Indiana Wants Me (R Dean Taylor)
Lady Lynda (The Beach Boys)
Changing Partners (Patti Page)
Auld Lang Syne (Ngoc Lan)
Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers)
Hello Dolly (Lino Patruno/Arthur Greenslade and His Orchestra)
Never On Sunday (Manos Hadjidakis) (Billy Vaughn)
Mother And Child Reunion (Paul Simon)
Windfall (Son Volt)
This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie)
Blue Eyes Cryin' In The Rain (Brandie Carlile)
Blame It On The Bossa Nova (Eydie Gorme)
Rock Your Baby (George McCrae)
Mystery#1 (The Contrast)
Take Me Apart (The Contrast)
MacGyver Theme Song (Daniel Caine Orchestra)
Get It On (T Rex)
I Love To Boogie (T Rex)
Hot Love (T Rex)
New York City (Marc Bolan/T.Rex)
Sweet Little Rock N Roller (T Rex Alvin Stardust Elkie Brooks Dave Edmunds)
Trouble (Travis Tritt)
Just Want To Everything (Andy Gibb)
Rock N' Me (Steve Miller Band)
Addicted To Love (Robert Palmer/Renee Walker Band)
Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody (Brick)
Beethoven Virus (Banya/Diana Boncheva)
Oh! Suzanna (Connie Francis)
Honey (Bobby Goldboro)
TheWay It Used To Be (Engelbert Humperdinck)
Glory Of Love (Peter Cetera)
Oye (Tini/Martina Stoessel dan Sebastian Yatra)
Easy (Camilia Cabello)
Candida (Tony Orlando & Dawn)
Little Bit Of Love (Jack Johnson, John Cruz & Friends)
Goodbye My Love (The Glitter Band)
Ballroom Blitz (Sweet)
I'm A Believer (The Monkees)
Earth Angel (The Temptations)
Goodbye (Mary Hopkin/Paul McCartney)
Harvest Moon (Reina del Cid)
The Science Love Song/Lagu Cinta Sains (Mitch Moffit & Greg Brown)
In The Summertime (Mungo Jerry)
Right Here Waiting (Richard Marx)
Love Story (Taylor Swift)
Marry You (Bruno Mars)
Somebody Loves You (Chrystal Gayle)
Uptown Girl (Billy Joel)
Hang On Sloopy (The McCoys)
A World Without Love (Peter and Gordon)
First Love Never Die (Soko)
Mannix (Lalo Schifrin)
Bonanza Theme Song (Instrumental)
The Saint Theme Music (Edwin Astley Orchestra)
All Over The World (Francoise Hardy)
Only Friends (Francoise Hardy)
Fleur De Lune (Francoise Hardy)
Song Of Winter (Francoise Hardy)
Empty Sunday (Francoise Hardy)
Lonesome Town (Francoise Hardy)
Take My Hand For A While (Francoise Hardy)
Until It's Time For You To Go (Francoise Hardy)
Till The Morning Comes (Francoise Hardy)
Le Temps de L'amour/Time To Love (Francoise Hardy)
Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles (Francoise Hardy)
More Than I Can Say (Kong Ling & Fubulous Echoes)
The Spaghetti Song (Sexbomb Girls)
The Bluest Blues (Alvin Lee)
Rock And Roll Music To The World (Ten Years After)
Selamat Hari Natal Dan Tahun Baru (We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year) (Lagu Natal/Lagu Sekolah Minggu/No Name)
Song Of Joy (Miguel Rios)
Eleni (Tol And Tol)
Sedalia (Tol And Tol)
Rollin Rock (Tielman Brothers)
Bossa Nova Baby (Tielman Brothers)
Apache (Tielman Brothers)
Echo Boogie (The Tielman Brothers)
Sweet Georgia Brown (The Tielman Brothers)
King Of The Road (Roger Miller)
Dirty Work (Toni Lindgren & Northsoul)
Shadoogie (Little Remy & The Flying Rockers)
Penetration (The Surfrajettes)
Cha Cha Heels (The Surfrajettes)
Love Song (Syd Barrett)
Bob Dylan Blues (Syd Barrett/Pink Floyd)
More Than I Can Say (Leo Sayer)
Do You Want To Dance (Cliff Richard)
Rockabilly Boogie (Brian Setter Trio)
Hari Ini (Today) (Koes Bersaudara)
We Love Each Other (Koes Plus)
Rasa Hatiku (Koes Bersaudara)
Bunga Di Tepi Jalan (Koes Plus)
Musik Disekelilingku (Koes Plus)
Hari Ini Dan Nanti (Koes Plus)
Telaga Sunyi (Koes Bersaudara)
Ibuku Dan Lagunya (Koes Plus)
Kasihku Yang Hilang (Koes Plus)
Mengapa Hari Telah Gelap (Koes Bersaudara)
Nama Yang Manis (Koes Plus)
Cinta Abadi (Koes Plus)
Nusantara I (Koes Plus)
Jangan Berulang Lagi (Koes Plus)
Harapanku (Koes Bersaudara)
Semua Sama (Koes Bersaudara)
Laguku Sendiri (Koes Bersaudara)
Jeritan Hatiku (Koes Plus)
Rahasia Hatiku (Koes Plus)
Dini (Koes Plus)
Pelangi (Koes Plus)
Bis Sekolah (Koes Bersaudara)
Di Pantai Bali (Koes Bersaudara)
Selalu Gembira (Koes Plus)
Friendly Love (Koes Plus)
Balada Kamar 15 (Koes Bersaudara)
Sonya (Koes Plus)
Three Little Words (Koes Bersaudara)
Mengapa (Koes Plus)
Hanya Untukmu (Koes Plus)
Bilakah Kau Pulang (Koes Plus)
Rasa Sedih Tiada Arti (Koes Plus)
Relax (Koes Plus)
Kembalilah (Koes Plus)
Nyanyian Malam (Koes Plus)
Cepat (Koes Bersaudara)
Masa Bodoh (Koes Plus)
Melepas Kerinduan (Koes Plus)
Malam Ini (Koes Plus)
Oh Kau Tahu (Koes Bersaudara)
Apa Saja (Koes Bersaudara)
Jangan Sedih (Koes Plus)
Gadis Puri (Koes Bersaudara)
Lagu Dalam Impian (Koes Plus)
Tradisi (Koes Plus)
Di Dalam Bui (Koes Bersaudara)
Belajar Bernyanyi (Koes Bersaudara)
Kisah Sedih Di Hari Minggu (Koes Plus)
Unhappy Shade (Koes Plus)
Pagi Yang Indah (Koes Bersaudara)
Tertunda (Koes Plus)
Dewi Rindu (Koes Bersaudara)
Poor Clown (Koes Bersaudara)
Biarlah Ku Sendiri (Koes Plus)
Hidup Yang Sepi (Koes Plus)
Kembali (Koes Bersaudara)
Manis Dan Sayang (Koes Plus)
Seminggu Yang Lalu (Koes Plus)
Kembali Ke Jakarta (Koes Plus)
Derita (Koes Plus)
Kasih Sayang (Koes Plus)
Bunga Dan Remaja (Koes Plus)
Selamat Tinggal (Koes Plus)
Termenung Lesu (Koes Plus)
Pemain Kecapi (Koes Plus)
Pilih Satu (Koes Plus)
Liku-Liku Laki-Laki (Koes Plus)
Cintamu Telah Berlalu (Koes Plus)
Kuduslah Cintamu (Koes Bersaudara)
Selamat Tinggal (Koes Bersaudara)
Minum Kopi Bersama (Koes Plus)
Mari-Mari (Koes Plus)
Main Belakang (Koes Plus)
Cinta Buta (Koes Plus)
Selalu (Koes Bersaudara)
Oh Kasihku (Koes Plus)
My Lady (Koes Bersaudara)
I Will Come To You (Koes Plus)
Bunga Rindu (Koes Bersaudara)
Hadapi (Koes Plus)
Voorman (Koes Bersaudara)
Muda Mudi (Koes Plus)
Remaja ABCD (Koes Plus)
Disana Sini (Koes Plus)
Perasaan (Koes Plus)
Boleh Cinta Boleh Benci (Koes Bersaudara)
Jangan Cemburu (Koes Plus)
Rata-Rata (Koes Plus)
She Is The One (Koes Plus)
Hari Minggu (Koes Plus)
Malam Resah (Koes Bersaudara)
Dara Manisku (Koes Bersaudara)
Terang Bulan (Koes Plus)
Awan Putih (Koes Bersaudara)
Hujan Angin (Koes Plus)
Yes I Do (Koes Plus)
Nusantara III (Koes Plus)
Bergembira (Koes Plus)
Kau Miliki (Koes Plus)
Terbenamlah Matahari (Koes Plus)
Suka Duka Di Bumi (Koes Plus)
Ayah (Koes Bersaudara)
Maafkan Aku (Koes Plus)
O Kasihan (Koes Plus)
Awan Hitam (Koes Plus)
Selamat Berpisah (Koes Bersaudara)
Hilang Tak Berkesan (Koes Plus)
Senja Kelabu (Koes Bersaudara)
Aku Rindu (Koes Bersaudara)
Disappointed I Am (Koes Bersaudara)
I'm In Jail (Koes Bersaudara)
Waktu Berjalan Cepat (Koes Plus)
Kemari (Koes Brothers)
Lamunan (Koes Plus)
Hadapi (Koes Plus)
Waktu (Koes Plus)
Buat Apa Susah (Koes Plus)
Sendiri Dan Rahasia (Koes Plus)
Masa Muda (TKoes Band/Speedy Plus Band/Neo Jibles/Koes Plus)
Kerjakan Kini (Koes Brothers)
Percaya Padaku (Koes Plus)
Kerinduan (Koes Plus)
Mobil Tua (Koes Plus)
Nusantara III (Koes Plus)
Kembalilah Kepadaku (Koes Plus)
Hanya Dia Dan Aku (Koes Plus)
Hari Yang Indah (Koes Plus)
Wenny (Fred dan Mido/Koes Bersaudara)
Dia Permata Hatiku (Koes Bersaudara/David Koeswoyo/B Plus)
Jemu (Koes Plus)
Kau Milikku (Koes Plus)
Semanis Rayuanmu (Koes Plus)
Penyanyi Muda (T Koes Band/Koes Plus)
Love Is Something To Know (Koes Bersaudara)
Issue (Koes Plus)
Kereta Api Pagi (Koes Plus)
Hidupku Sunyi (The Mercy's)
Ulang Tahun (The Mercy's)
Masih Sekolah (The Mercy's)
Let's Dance Get Together (The Mercy's)
Kisah Cinta Anak Sekolah (The Mercy's)
Love (The Mercy's)
Semua Bisa Bilang (The Mercy's)
Oh Mengapa (The Mercy's)
Ayah (The Mercy's)
Kisah Seorang Pramuria (The Mercy's)
Tiada Lagi (The Mercy's)
Padamu Tuhan (The Mercy's)
Baju Baru (The Mercy's)
Hey Hey Hey (The Mercy's)
Biar Kusendiri (The Mercy's)
Rita (The Mercy's)
Tak Sedetikpun (The Mercy's)
Di Pantai (The Mercy's)
Mama Dan Papa (The Mercy's)
Bilakah (The Mercy's)
Pergi Tanpa Berita (The Mercy's)
Kau Biarkan Aku Sendiri (The Mercy's)
Kasih (The Mercy's)
Lagu Rindu (The Mercy's)
Hujan Turun Lagi (The Mercy's)
Lagu Gembira (The Mercy's)
Pergi Tanpa Berita (The Mercy's)
Usah Kau Harap Lagi (The Mercy's)
Kurela Dikau Pergi (The Mercy's)
Gara-Gara Cinta (The Mercy's)
Colour Of Love (The Mercy's)
Only You My Lord (The Mercy's)
Semua Harus Gembira (The Mercy's)
Di Atas Jembatan Semanggi (Bimbo)
Melati (Trio Bimbo Dan Iin Parlina)
Hujan (Bimbo)
Melati Dari Jayagiri (Bimbo)
Jumpa Untuk Berpisah (Bimbo)
Tante Sun (Bimbo)
Abang Becak (Trio Bimbo Dan Iin)
Pacar (Bimbo)
Dara Daluarsa (Trio Bimbo)
Serani Di Noda (Balada Biarawati) (Bimbo)
Telah Datang Dia (Bimbo & Iin)
Rindu Rasul (Bimbo)
Sajadah Panjang (Bimbo)
Dengan Puisi Aku (Bimbo)
Rasul Menyuruh Kita Mencintai Anak Yatim (Bimbo)
Ada Anak Bertanya Pada Bapaknya (Bimbo)
Tuhan (Bimbo)
Umat Manusia Bergembira (Bimbo)
Bermata Tapi Tak Melihat (Bimbo)
Cinta Kilat (Bimbo & Iin)
Balada Gadis Desa (Bimbo)
Balada Seorang Biduan (Bimbo)
Pacarku Manis (Bimbo)
Salam Sayang (Trio Bimbo)
Semalam Di Malaysia (Bimbo)
Musim Bunga (Trio Bimbo)
Penyanyi (Bimbo)
Senja Jatuh Di Bandung Utara (Iin dan Bimbo/Iwan Abdulrachman)
Bergoyang Dan Menari (Bimbo)
Balada Nabi Yunus (Bimbo)
Sinar Yang Hilang (The Rollies)
Bimbi (The Rollies)
Indonesia (The Rollies)
Hanya Bila Haus Di Padang Tandus (The Rollies)
Bunga Berduri (The Rollies)
Kemarau (The Rollies)
Dansa Yok Dansa (The Rollies)
Love Is Stronger Than We (The Rollies)
Musik Kami (The Rollies)
Dia Bukan Gadisku (The Rollies)
Bunga Di Hati (The Rollies)
Malam Minggu (The Rollies)
Kau Yang Kusayang (The Rollies)
The Love Of A Woman (The Rollies)
Kasih Tiada Berpadu (Delly Rollies)
Hari Hari (Gito Rollies)
Hari Dansa (Gito Rollies)
Home Again (The Rollies)
Huma Di Atas Bukit (God Bless)
Panggung Sandiwara (Achmad Albar/God Bless)
She Passed Away (God Bless)
Gadis Binal (God Bless)
Syair Kehidupan (God Bless)
Rock Di Udara (God Bless)
Bis Kota (God Bless)
Rock N Roll Hidupku (God Bless)
Rumah Kita (God Bless)
Sesat (God Bless)
Friday On My Mind (God Bless)
Setan Tertawa (God Bless)
Musisi (God Bless)
Selamat Pagi Indonesia (God Bless)
Laguku (Achmad Albar)
Salam Terakhir (Ian Antono & Ikang Fawzi)
Aku Cinta Kamu (Ikang Fawzi)
Hilangnya Seorang Gadis (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Pagi Yang Cerah (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Free To Love Another Girl (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Kisah Yang Terhina (Freedom Of Rhapsodia)
Indonesia My Lovely Country (Panbers)
Deritaku (Panbers)
Akhir Cinta (Panbers)
Kisah Gadis Malang (Panbers)
Hidup Terkekang (Panbers)
Putri Gunung (Panbers)
Let's Us Dance Together (Panbers)
Rock And The Sea (Panbers)
Terlambat Sudah (Panbers)
Sok Tahu (No Koes)
Laki-Laki (Nomo Koeswoyo)
Seniman (Nomo Koeswoyo)
Oplet Dago (Pahama)
Himbauan Jiwa (Pahama)
Dia (Pahama)
Baby Rock (SAS Group)
Mimpi Sedih (The Favourites Group)
Sebuah Jalan (Heygress)
Daunpun Jatuh Dipundakku (Heygress)
Ketika Cinta Harus Memilih (Heygress)
Kemarau (Prambors)
Jakarta Jakarta (Prambors Band)
Wajah Wajah (Prambors Band)
Bento (Iwan Fals/Swami)
Mata Indah Bola Pingpong (Iwan Fals)
Kemesraan (Iwan Fals)
Kumenanti Seorang Kekasih (Iwan Fals)
Buku Ini Aku Pinjam (Iwan Fals)
Annisa (Iwan Fals, Lagu yang tidak beredar)
Antara Aku Kau Dan Bekas Pacarmu (Iwan Fals)
Ikan Laut Pun Menari Di Bawah Lenganku (Farid Hardja dan Bani Adam Band)
Karmila (Farid Hardja dan Bani Adam Band)
Balada Malam Minggu (Farid Hardja dan Bani Adam Band)
Berantas Korupsi (Bani Adam Band)
Persada Tercinta (Giant Step)
A Fortunate Paradise (Giant Step)
My Life (Giant Step)
Hati Yang Luka (Giant Step)
Duri Dan Cinta (The Crabs)
Hilang Permataku (The Crabs)
Persipura (Black Brothers)
Gadis Di Lembah Sunyi (Black Brothers)
Sajojo (Black Brothers/Lagu daerah Papua)
Permata Hatiku/You Are The Only One (Black Brothers)
She Took Off My Romeo (Black Brothers)
Terjalin Kembali (Black Brothers)
Derita Tiada Akhir (Black Brothers)
Sonya (Black Brothers)
Pip Pip Yeah (Dara Puspita)
Apa Arti Hidup Ini (Dara Puspita)
Welcome To My House (Dara Puspita)
Cinta Pertama (Dara Puspita)
Pusdi (Dara Puspita)
Believe Me (Dara Puspita)
Surabaya (Dara Puspita/Flower Girls)
Rahmat Dan Cinta (Duo Kribo)
Aku Harus Jadi Superstar (Duo Kribo)
Ku Pergi Bersama Lagu (Rasela)
Tinggal Kenangan (The Rhythm Kings)
Ada Apa Denganmu (Peterpan)
Kisah Cintaku (Noah)
Masih Cinta (Kotak)
Salam Rindu (Tipe X)
Angan (Tipe X)
Biar Nggak Penasaran (Tipe X)
Kala Sang Surya Gemilang (The Kid Brothers)
Munajat Cinta (The Rock)
Teman Tapi Mesra (Ratu)
Balikin (Slank)
Racun Dunia (The Changchuters)
Aku Suka Kamu (Trio Libels)
Cintaku Terbagi Dua (Super Girlies)
Shalawat Badar (Super Girlies)
Hip Hip Hura (Super Girlies)
Hari Harimu (Super Girlies)
Senyum Terindah (Super Girlies)
11 Januari (Gigi)
Aduh Aduh Aminah (Geronimo II)
Gitar Dan Lagu (Geronimo II)
Indahnya Musik Kami (Geronimo V)
Merpati Terbang Tinggi (Geronimo VIII)
Tutti Tutti (Geronimo II)
Frustasi (Kembar Group)
Dina (Kembar Group)
Ketika Cinta Berbunga Duka (Kembar Group)
Kunanti Jawabanmu (Kembar Group)
Godaan Dunia (SYJ)
Yik Foong Blues (SYJ)
Mekar Istana Cinta (Naja)
Cinta 3 (Wow)
Kencana (Black Fantasy)
Dinda Dimana (Katon Bagaskara/Kla Project)
Kanda Disini (Nia Zulkarnain)
Pemuda (Chaseiro)
Dimana (Golden Wing)
Senyum Harapan (Golden Wing)
Sorry Boy (Usman Bersaudara)
Belahan Jiwa (The Virgin)
Cinta Terlarang (The Virgin)
Gemilang (Krakatau)
La Samba Primadona (Krakatau)
Asmara (Abbhama)
Rock N Roll Music (D'lloyd)
Oh Tak Mungkin (D'lloyd Junior)
Katakan Sejujurnya (Armada)
Wanita Paling Berharga (Armada)
Malaria (Harry Roesli)
Surapati Wiranegara (The Gembell's)
Wenny (The Gembell's)
I Will Fly (Ten2Five)
Dokter Cinta (Dewi Dewi)
Masa SMA (Angel 9 Band)
My Heart (Acha Septriasa & Irwansyah)
Oh My Jakarta (Kirana)
Nurlela (Rumpies)
Papa Rock 'N Roll (The Dance Company)
Lupa Lupa Ingat (Kuburan Band)
Keadilan (Opus)
Sweet Looking Woman (Gugun Blues Shelter)
Wow! (The Flower Girls)
Terpaut Di Pekan Baru (Zaenal Combo)
Angin Malam (Sahara)
Baby Say It (Sahara)
Jangan Jangan (Dot)
Ningrat (Jamrud)
Anak Jalanan (Chrisye)
Sabda Alam (Chrisye)
Ketika Tangan Dan Kaki Berkata (Chrisye)
Merpati Putih (Chrisye)
Kisah Kasih Di Sekolah (Chrisye)
Galih Dan Ratna (Chrisye)
Anak Sekolah (Chrisye)
Zamrud Khatulistiwa (Chrisye)
Smaradhana (Chrisye)
Mesin Kota (Chrisye)
Kala Sang Surya Tenggelam (Chrisye)
Merepih Alam (Chrisye)
Juwita (Chrisye)
Matahari (Berlian Hutauruk)
Badai Pasti Berlalu (Berlian Hutauruk)
Kidung (Bram Manusama)
Mari Bernyanyi (Ade Manuhutu)
Virgo (Ade Manuhutu)
Nona Anna (Ade Manuhutu)
Selamat Berbahagia (Ade Manuhutu)
Sendiri (Leo Kristi)
Gulagalugu Suara Nelayan (Leo Kristi)
Hitam Putih (Leo Kristi)
Marilah Kemari (Colony Of Blues/Titiek Puspa/Dara Puspita)
Sinyo Dendy (Titiek Puspa)
Logika (Vina Panduwinata)
Surat Cinta (Vina Panduwinata)
Didadaku Ada Kamu (Vina Panduwinata)
Cinta (Vina Panduwinata)
Single Bar (Vina Panduwinata)
September Ceria (Vina Panduwinata)
Sakura (Fariz RM)
Barcelona (Fariz RM)
More Than Just A Friend (Fariz RM)
Mega Bhuana (Fariz RM)
Mengharap Yang Tak Mungkin (Marini)
Titik-Titik Hujan (Marini)
Kharisma Indonesia (Louise Hutauruk)
Mahajana (Indonesia) (Louise Hutauruk)
Bilang Saja (Agnes Monica)
Bukit Berbunga (Uci Bing Slamet)
Matahari (Berlian Hutauruk)
Damai Tapi Gersang (Hetty Koes Endang & Adjie Bandy)
Maafkan Saya (Broery Marantika)
We Got To Live Together (Broery And The Pro's)
Setangkai Anggrek Bulan (Broery Marantika & Emilia Contessa)
Setitik Harapan (Benny Soebardja)
Looking For Peace And Freedom (Benny Soebardja)
Berita Kepada Kawan (Ebiet G. Ade)
Camelia I (Ebiet G. Ade)
Untuk Kita Renungkan (Ebiet G. Ade)
Misteri Cinta (Ully Sigar Rusady)
Kucari Damai (Ully Sigar Rusady)
Terlena Dalam Mimpi (Ritta Rubby Hartland)
Kasihku (Deddy Dores dan Lilian Angela)
Asmaraku Asmaramu (Dhenok Wahyudi dan Indra Tjahja/The Kid Brothers)
Arti Kehidupan (Doel Sumbang)
Sebuah Pengakuan (Haddad Alwi)
Bila Cengkeh Berbunga (Diana Nasution & Melky Goeslaw)
Pergi Untuk Kembali (Melky Goeslaw/Minggoes Tahitoe)
Malam Yang Dingin (Diana Nasution & Melky Goeslow)
Cintaku (Andi Meriem Mattalata)
Hasrat Dan Cita (Andi Meriem Mattalata)
Cinta Sejati (Bunga Citra Lestari)
Kupu-Kupu Malam (Titiek Puspa)
Terserah Kamu (Sophia Latjuba)
Aku Ini Punya Siapa (January Christy)
Antara Anyer Dan Jakarta (Sheila Madjid)
Api Asmara (Rien Djamain)
Bintang Kehidupan (Nike Ardilla)
Tak Sendiri Lagi (Tantowi Yahya)
Sepercik Air (Deddy Stanzah)
Anak Zaman (Deddy Stanzah)
Gadis Manis Bergelang Emas (Deddy Stanzah)
Siapa Aku (Deddy Stanzah)
Rock N' Roll (Deddy Stanzah)
Comeback To Me (Deddy Stanzah)
Yang Hilang (Anggun C. Sasmi)
Tua-Tua Keladi (Anggun C. Sasmi/T2)
Oh Jakarta (Elly Sunarya)
Surat Undangan (Yuni Shara)
Selamat Tinggal (Rafika Duri)
Hati Tertusuk Duri (Rafika Duri)
Gembala Sapi (Aliza/Country Road)
Balada Ali Topan (Franky dan Jane)
Siti Julaika (dan Durakim Buruh Pabrik Gula) (Franky & Jane)
Bis Kota (Franky dan Jane)
Cinta Remaja (Franky dan Jane)
Musim Bunga (Franky dan Jane)
Semusim Sekali (Franky dan Jane)
Lagu Orang Jakarta (Franky dan Jane)
Untukmu Gadisku (Franky Sahilatua)
Suara Kemiskinan (Franky Sahilatua)
Kupetik Tali Gitar (Franky dan Jane)
Cinta Satu Malam (Melinda)
Jalan Lurus (Gita Gutawa)
Bangun Pemuda Pemudi (Alfred Simanjuntak)
Ayat-Ayat Cinta (Rossa)
Patah Hati (R. Rachmat Kartolo)
Romi dan Julie (Widyawaty & Sophan Sophian)
Widuri (Bob Tutupoly)
Angin November (Emilia Contessa)
Indahnya Sepi (Chandra Darusman)
Teluk Bayur (Ernie Djohan)
Jangan Biarkan Ku Sendiri (Ernie Djohan)
Preman (Ikang Fawzi & Ian Antono)
Cinta Pertama (Itang Yunasz)
Mawar Berduri (Tetty Kadi)
Sigulempong (Gita Suara Jaya/Lagu Daerah Batak)
Neng Geulis (Spartans Band/Jova Musique Performance)
Huhate (Broery Marantika/Andy Mone)
Simpang Ampek Suko Mananti (Charles Hutagalung)
Kambanglah Bungo (Jova Musique/Nusantara Vocal Group)
Sansaro (The Rollies)
Anak Kambing Saya (Lagu Daerah NTT)
Tudung Periuk (Anna Mathovani)
Bungong Jeumpa (Aceh Traditional Song)
Poco-Poco (Yopie Latul)
Dikijoknyo Denai (Lagu Daerah Minangkabau/OM Rumah Gadang/Gumarang)
Cinta Kita (Inka Christie & Amy Search)
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (Melly Goeslaw feat Amee)
Angin Tolong Sampaikan Salamku (Aitinyo)
Anganku Anganmu (Raisa & Isyana Sarasvati)
Tiada Seindah Hari Ini (Tuty Subardjo/Laily Dimyati)
Janjimu (Tuty Subardjo)
Termenung (Titik Sandhora)
Ratapan Ibu tiri (Titik Sandhora)
Liku-Liku Hidup (Mamiek Slamet)
Hasratku (Imaniar)
Prahara Cinta (Lydia Imaniar)
Sorak-Sorak Bergembira (Cornel Simanjuntak)
Klak Klik Kluk (Cinta Pertama) (Itang Yunasz)
Song For The Lovers (Powerslaves)
Semarang (Powerslaves)
Find Our Love Again (Powerslaves)
Resah (Purnama Sultan)
Nyanyian Angsa (Kharisma Alam V.G.)
Cinta Pertama (Anna Mathovani)
Surat Cinta Untuk Starla (Virgoun)
Balasan Surat Cinta Dari Starla (Lian Karoho dkk)
Mantan Terindah (Raisa)
Serba Salah (Raisa)
Renjana (Grace Simon/Guruh Soekarnoputra)
Tersanjung (Retno Susanti)
Oh Baby (Cinta Laura)
Berpisah Di St. Carolus (Retno)
Setulus Hatiku Semurni Cintamu (Arie Koesmiran)
Anak Gembala (Tasya Kamila)
Hati Gembira (Rancanita Andari Rayhan/Sekolah Musik Moritza)
Si Doel Anak Sekolahan (Rano Karno)
Cintaku Cintamu, Cinta Kita (Nicky Ukur)
Selamat Ulang Tahun & Panjang Umurnya (Artis Gema Nada Pertiwi)
Jatuh Cinta (Eddy Silitonga)
Surat Cinta (Nur Afni Octavia)
Kisah-Kasih (Sitompul Sisters)
Ingin Kebebasan (Sitompul Sisters)
Mari Bergoyang (Dina Mariana)
Cinta Salah (OST Ada Cinta Di SMA) (Caitlin Halderman)
Merindukanmu (Chintya Gabriella/D'Masiv)
Gejolak Kawula Muda (Clubeighties)
Dunia Belum Berakhir (Shaden Band)
Haruskah Aku Berlari (Freddy Tamaela)
Selamat Lebaran (Ismail Marzuki/Didi)
Kamus Cinta Sang Primadona (Connie Constantia)
Kembalikan Baliku (Yopie Latul)
Gubahanku (Broery Marantika/Deddy Damhudi/Gatot Sunyoto)
Stasiun Tua (Country Jack)
Sahabat (Country Jack)
Yakin (Radja)
Semakin Ku Kejar Semakin Kau Jauh (Five Minutes)
Kebyar Kebyar (Gombloh/Arkarna)
Cinta Kita (Inka Christie dan Amy Search)
ACI (Aku Cinta Indonesia)
Tetes Hujan Di Bulan April (Betharia Sonata)
Birkan Berlalu (Wings)
Bernafas Dalam Lumpur (Wings)
Bujang Senang (Wings)
Gadisku (Search)
Debunga Wangi (Lefthanded)
Cintamu Mekar Dihati (MAY)
Jemu (MAY)
Sambutlah Kasih (Lovehunters)
Kulakukan Semua Untukmu (RAN)
Please Don't Go (No Mercy)
Malaya Blues (Blues Gang)
Don't You Hide (Blues Gang)
Senyum Di Musim Bunga (Ira Maya Sopha)
Balada (Ira Maya Sopha)
Pinokio (Liza Tanzil & Sandra Dewi/Marum Ayu dan Bulan Ayu)
Semalam Di Cianjur (Sarwana/Kalua)
Last Day In My Room (Time Bomb Blues)
Heartbeat In My Soul (Time Bomb Blues)
Bawaku Pergi (Time Bomb Blues)
Yogyakarta (Kla Project)
Terpurukku Disini (Kla Project)
Coffee Blues Jogja (Jampe Johnson)
Forget Jakarta (Adhitia Sofyan)
Malam Biru (Sandhy Sandoro/Voltus)
Malam Ini (Ocean)
Symphony Yang Indah (Bob Tutupoly)
Menabung (Duta Cinta)
Sekarang Dan Disini (Baruna)
Cinta Kita (Amy Search/Inka Christie/Reggae Version)
Pujaan Hati (Yangseku)
Selir Hati (Rock TRIAD)
Catatan Si Boy (Ikang Fawzi)
Kuserahkan (Bintang Rock Indonesia)
Hanya Satu Kamu (Jakarta Rhythm Section)
Ratna Juwita (Jakarta Rhythm Section)
Nyanyian Malam (Jakarta Rhythm Section)
Lembah Biru (Kastella/Gustaf)
Making Love (Kastella)
Menepis Bayang Kasih (Kastella)
Kasmaran (Kastella)
Januari Yang Biru (Kastella)
Tirai (Kastella)
Bimbang (Kastella)
Rela (Kastella)
Gadis Tokyo (Douglas Olivero/IrwanSyah)
Bila Esok Datang Menjemputmu (Douglas Olivero/Irwan Syah)
Hard Time Blues Man (Mediana)
Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah (Marshanda)
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (Melly Goeslaw)
Bersuka Ria (Soekarno)
Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan (Bona Paputungan)
Renungan (Marissa Haque Band)
Gema Perdana (Marissa Haque Band)
Indah Hari Ini (Shanty)
Permataku (Java Jive)
Gadis Malam (Java Jive)
Kuta Rock City (Superman Is Dead)
Goodbye Whiskey (Superman Is Dead)
Rock Bergema (Roxx)
Kekasih Yang Tak Dianggap (Kertas)
Kekasih Gelapku (Ungu)
Cinta Terbaik (Cassandra)
Penasaran (Rhoma Irama)
Pandangan Pertama 1(A. Rafiq)
Note: The songs that are chosen above are not always the same with the character of the songs editor.
About the songs editor: Drs. Tafiardi, M.Ed. is an intelligentsia/intellectual/philosopher/educator. Worked as a lecturer in the Educational Technology Division, Faculty Of Education, The State University Of Jakarta, Indonesia, editor of the books and songs, author, and blogger. The expertise is instructional development with the intellectual interests of the social sciences and humanities.
To find out who the editor of songs above read "Tentang Blogger Tafiardi" (About Bloggers Tafiardi).
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